A variety of resources have been curated below to support your teaching and learning needs. Explore the links and let us know if you have any questions.
Curriculum Development Resources
Please access the Faculty of Health Curriculum Toolkit for resources relating to undergraduate courses and program changes. The Curriculum Toolkit site provides information for instructors on processes, required forms, and contacts. A proposal development checklist is also available for use as part of the undergraduate curriculum development procedure.
Teaching & Learning Resources
Alternative Assessments:
- Prepared by the Teaching Commons: Guide to Alternative Assessments
- Handout for using open pedagogy in assessment: OER as Alternative Assessment
- Unique tools for interactive experiences: Simulated Person Methodology Lab
- Video production and feedback methods: SmART: The Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolkit
- Adapting 'traditional outputs' into virtual reality deliverables: CVRRICULUM program
Large Classroom Assessments:
Rubrics and Assessment Tools:
- General information on rubrics: Rubric Handout
- OERs for download: VALUE Rubrics
- Alternate exam option: Open Book Exam Toolkit
Course Design & Delivery
Course Outline Template:
This course outline template may be used as a resource by instructors in the Faculty of Health.
Course Planning:
- Faculty forms (i.e., new course proposals, changes to existing courses): FoH Curriculum Toolkit
- Useful information on instructor responsibilities, course design and evaluation: Course Director Handbook
- Connect with your school/department's library liaison for valuable assistance in course readings and textbook selection. Please note that ordering textbooks and course-kits must be done several months prior to the course offering. For more details and timelines, visit the Bookstore website.
Course Design & Delivery:
Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Resource to facilitate disabled students' right to accommodation in placement: ACTon: Disability Accommodation Stories in Placement
- Final Report from the Working Group on Individual and Systemic Racism within the Faculty of Health
- The Indigenous Framework for York University: A Guide to Action
- Explore Teaching Common’s resources on DEDI in Teaching and Learning:
- D: Decolonizing (PDF)
- E: Equity (PDF)
- D: Diversity (PDF)
- I: Inclusion (PDF)
- Integrating equity and social justice for indigenous peoples in undergraduate health professions education in Canada: a framework from a critical review of literature
- Decolonial, intersectional pedagogies in Canadian Nursing and Medical Education
- Learning to walk the walk: Incorporating praxis for decolonization in global health education
- Decolonising the psychology curriculum: a perspective
- The Indigenous Knowledge Implementation Packsack: A Handbook for Embedding Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Your Teaching
Open Educational Resources
Teaching & Learning Tools:
- Catalogue of HP5 content: eCampus Ontario HP5 Studio
- Envision YU: Tools for Student Success (Student facing Pressbooks)
- Pedagogy that Aids Transition for Higher-Ed Students (PATHS) (Student facing Pressbooks)
Textbooks & Course Materials:
- Repository of open texts: Find Open Textbooks
- Repository for course materials: Find Open Course Materials
- eCampus Ontario's Open Library
- Repository for images and media: Find Open Images/Media
- Virtual Lab and Science Resource Directory
- Directory of Open Access Books with over 68,500 academic peer-reviewed books
- Institutional open access repository: YorkSpace
Instructor Resources:
- Teaching Commons Toolkits
- York resource to help students transition to university courses: PATHS Instructor Toolbox
- York resource to help students transition into and through their programs: Envision YU: Tools for Student Success
Recommended Readings
Supporting Students
These resources can be shared with students in any course at York.
Student Resources:
- Student Guide to Group Work
- Experiential Education Guide
- Academic Honesty Modules
- Student Papers & Academic Research Kit (SPARK)
- BecomingYU
Student Supports & Services:
Supporting Teaching Assistants (TAs)
We encourage you to share the following resources with your teaching assistants, providing them with the necessary tools and orientation to be successful in their roles as TAs.
- Teaching Commons TA/ITA Orientation webpage includes online modules with videos, resources, and tools to facilitate their transition into teaching roles.
- First Year Experience essential toolkit includes resources and supports to help prepare for first day of class, assessing learning and providing feedback, and understanding student needs.
- CUPE 3903 TA Handbook (PDF)
Sustainable Development Goals
York University and the Faculty of Health are committed to incorporating the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its teaching and learning activities, where applicable.
- York's commitment to meeting the challenge
- Teaching the SDGs - an overview
- SDG-in-the Classroom Toolkit
Open Access Resources:
- SDG case studies related to policy: https://www.rsm.nl/positive-change/sdg-cases/
Is there a resource you are looking for that is not included on this page? Is there a broken link? Please let us know, we value your feedback.