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Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning

AI and Education: A Hands-On Workshop for Course Transformation (Mar. 31-May. 2, 2025)

This course can count toward the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Looking to get some hands-on time as you respond to ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in your teaching? Join us for a fully online course in the practical pedagogy of technology-enhanced teaching in the age of artificial intelligence. We will explore […]

AI and Education: A Hands-On Workshop for Course Transformation (August 19-30, 2024)

This course can count toward the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Looking to get some hands-on time as you respond to ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in your teaching? Join us for a fully online course in the practical pedagogy of technology-enhanced teaching in the age of artificial intelligence. We will explore […]

Reboot Your Final: Alternative Approaches to Online Tests and Exams (Nov. 4-29, 2024) - Canceled

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Looking to rethink your tests and exams for the online environment? Interested in exploring alternative assessments that might replace a traditional final? Join us for a fully online course in the practical pedagogy of alternative assessment strategies for eLearning. Participants will learn […]

Engagement Strategies for Teaching Remotely (Online) (Nov. 18-Dec. 13, 2024)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Student engagement is a common goal whether you are teaching in a classroom, or online.  There are, however, added complexities to engaging students in the remote and online environment.  In this course, we will explore the challenges and barriers to engaging students […]

eLearning Foundations: Designing your Blueprint (June 3-28, 2024)

(Formerly titled "Taking it Online") This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. In search of some hands-on time for taking the next step with the online elements of your teaching? This comprehensive online course invites you to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the architecture of effective […]

The Peer Feedback Experience (Jun. 2-27, 2025)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Instructors at York have several platforms for peer-review available to choose from, including eClass Workshop, PeerScholar, Turnitin PeerMark, and a new pilot offering, Kritik. Whether you are exploring peer-review, -feedback, and -grading for the first time, or you are refining your existing approach, […]

Online Assignments: Deep Learning through Engaging Assignments (Jul. 7-Aug. 8, 2025)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. While some assignments adapt relatively easily to the online environment, others present more challenges, ranging from the technical (managing group presentations online) to the pedagogical (ensuring students get timely and effective support). Rethinking assignments for online learning is a great opportunity to experiment […]

Beyond eClass: Interactive Pedagogies Using Zoom, H5P, and More (Aug. 11-Sept. 5, 2025)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. There's more to teaching online than eClass! Increasingly, educators are talking about "Zoom pedagogy," "H5P plugins," and a suite of different tech tools to enhance interactivity in their online classrooms. Join us in this wholly online course to explore strategies and technologies to […]

Creative Course Content: Instructional Strategies for Online Learning (Mar. 31-May 2, 2025)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Communicating course content to students is one of the biggest differences between teaching online and in a face-to-face classroom. While the lecture is a mainstay of the traditional classroom, the online environment presents several challenges to this approach, ranging from the technical […]

Assessing Learning Online: Grading, Evaluation, and Feedback (Feb. 26-Mar. 29, 2024)

This course can count towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. Research suggests that frequent feedback on learning progress is key to student success in online learning. However, assessing student learning remotely can also be challenging, whether you are looking to give weekly graded feedback or are grappling with how best to ensure […]