Presenter: Rizwana Kaderdina, Atala Andratis, Amy Hsiao & Wahid Khan
Workshop Description
This workshop will begin to explore the ways in which minoritized populations that are often “invisible” within the broader anti-racist discourses experience streaming and push-out. Through case-studies and story-telling, participants will investigate the ways in which for Asian, Arab, Latinx, and other racially marginalized populations are negatively impacted by colonial education. Discussions will consider the white gaze upon these populations that flattens their intersectional lived experiences and determines pathways and futures. We will think together about differentiated and collective experiences, and what transformation of these pipelines could look like through affinity spaces, intentional representation of shared identities, and “doing the work” beyond silos through intersectional approaches.

Rizwana Kaderdina
York Region District School Board; Equity Teacher Facilitator Consultant
Rizwana Kaderdina taught in the elementary panel of the YRDSB for many years before moving into her current role, which focuses on equity and anti-oppression. Rizwana is currently the co-Chair of the Alliance of Educators for Muslim Students (AEMS), and is also a member of MENO (Muslim Educators Network of Ontario), ACENet (Asian Canadian Educators Network), and al-Ansar Foundation, and is a volunteer with Victim Services of York Region, Rizwana believes in service, advocacy, and community. She strives to work from a justice-oriented stance. She is intrigued by the possibilities for healing and transformation that come through affinity and solidarity-based work. You can follow Rizwana on Twitter @RKaderdina.

Atala Andratis
Grand Erie District School Board- Equity Coach K-12
Atala Andratis is a teacher with GEDSB and was the English as a Second Language/English Literacy Development (ESL/ELD) Teacher Consultant K-12 for 6 years. She was also the co-chair for ERGO (English as a Second Language/English Literacy Development Resource Group of Ontario) an organization of ESL/ELD coordinators, consultants, and representatives of boards of education, across Ontario dedicated to the improvement of educational opportunities and practices for Multilingual Learners (MLs).
As an educator, Atala continues to collaborate with colleagues across the province to share ideas and work together to encourage culturally responsive curriculum and teaching practices. She also works wholeheartedly to eliminate discriminatory practices, systemic barriers and bias from schools and classrooms by highlighting Ministry of Education policies and procedures to better support the achievement and well-being of all students. Atala feels privileged to be a part of this conference and is looking forward to a great conversation. You can follow Atala on Twitter @AMASparkle.

Amy Hsiao (she/her)
Simcoe County District School Board, Multilingualism Facilitator K-12
Amy Hsiao is a Multilingualism Facilitator; K-12 with Simcoe County District School Board. She is a seasoned educator and active member of ORNG (Ontario Reception Network Group), and ACENet (Asian Canadian Educators Network), both organizations support the needs of our schools' marginalized communities. She has presented multiple years at the ‘PUSH Your Learning Conference’ with SCDSB. Presenting on such topics as: entrepreneurial learning experiences, strategies and tools for supporting multilingual learners, and identity projects that support inclusively designed learning environments. Her work continues to focus on culturally responsive pedagogy. She leads with an anti-oppressive framework and trauma informed lens providing educators and students the support needed to thrive in a changing world through shared stories and collective experiences. You can follow Amy on Twitter @ahsiaoEDU.

Wahid Khan
York Region District School Board, South Asian Community Liaison
Wahid Khan is currently a Teacher Liaison supporting the entire South Asian community (kindergarten to grade 12) in York Region. He has presented nationally and internationally on research topics ranging from usage of mobile devices inside the classroom, effective ways of measuring assessment to being culturally aware and responsive inside the classroom. Wahid is also currently a member of the lead team for ESSAH (Educators for Students of South Asian Heritage) an affinity group within the York Region. Aside from that he has been photographer for over 15 years. You can find Wahid on twitter @wahidkhan and instagram @wahid.