Presenter: Alison Gaymes San Vicente & Dr. Camille Logan
Workshop Description
This interactive session is a call to action for all educators as well as school/system leaders. Streaming, in the Ontario context, will be positioned as a discriminatory structure that inflicts inter-generational violence on students and families. The workshop is designed for participants who would like to learn more about streams as well as acquire intentional strategies/actions to dismantle this structure. Participants will explore both the deliberate inception and implementation of streams as the starting place of education in Ontario, as well as the mechanisms by which these streams persist today. An important aspect of this workshop will be the sharing of best practices for dismantling streams in schools and school boards, acknowledgement of the challenges and creative solutions to overcome barriers and create more equitable and inclusive schools.

Alison Gaymes San Vicente
Superintendent, Toronto District School Board
Alison Gaymes San Vicente works to disrupt educational structures and practices that continue to disadvantage students. Her passion for equity and justice has led to a secondment at York University’s Faculty of Education, a Centrally Assigned Principal for Principal Coaching, Equity & School Improvement and her current role as a Superintendent of Education with the Toronto District School Board. In addition to being a member of the provincial writing team for the Principal’s Qualification Program (2017), she has published and participated in podcasts on education: “Our Schools, Ourselves - Community Watch: Marginal At Best, A Narrative on Streaming in Public Education” (2016); “Restacking the Deck: Streaming by class, race and gender in Ontario schools (2014); “Rhymes to Re-education: A Hip Hop Curriculum Resource Guide for Educators with Social Justice Activities” (2014); The Leader Reader (2018); RSEKN Streaming and Educational Pathways (Equity Podcast Series, 2019); VoicEd Radio Interview Schooling for Equity During and Beyond COVID-19 (2019); and her latest publication Schooling for Equity During and Beyond COVID-19 (2019).

Dr. Camille Logan
Associate Director, Peel District School Board
Dr. Camille Logan has recently joined the Peel District School Board as Associate Director, School Improvement and Equity and comes with 29 years of educational experience. Camille began her career as a classroom teacher committed to equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives at the school and community levels. As she entered the role of school and system leadership, Camille continued to ensure that equity and inclusion were foundational to her work. As a strong school and system leader committed to student achievement and well-being, anti-racism, anti-oppression and human rights, these principles serve as the foundation for Camille’s leadership designed to ensure that all students and particularly those traditionally and historically marginalized reach their full potential.
At the Ministry of Education and school board levels, Camille is often called upon to act as a contributor to policies and guidelines including a number of resource materials for classroom teachers and educational leaders. Through a variety of roles that ranged from secondment opportunities at the faculty of education at York University to the Ministry of education, along with system leadership roles in her former school board focused on anti-racism and anti-oppressive approaches to educational leadership, Camille has supported system change at all levels. In response to her leadership and ongoing work in the community, Camille has also been honoured with recognition from various community organizations and her peers such as the OPSOA Distinguished Educator Leadership Award, the Harmony Movement’s National Leadership in Education award and was recognized in the inaugural 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women publication for her leadership in education.