Welcome to the Graduate Program in French and Francophone Studies!

Set yourself apart by deepening your knowledge of the French language and cultures through a multi-disciplinary approach that brings together literature and linguistics, and encompasses several areas of specialization, including creative writing, applied linguistics, gender studies, and psycholinguistics. Go beyond traditional limits of specialization and create new possibilities of study.  

The Masters and Doctoral programs in French Studies are combined. Courses are offered at Glendon campus in mid-town Toronto and at our Keele campus, located north of the city. 

Learn about program details

Skills You'll Learn

  • Challenge and apply plural theoretical perspectives 
  • Acquire in depth insight into the knowledge of varieties of French and literatures of the Francophone world 
  • Learn to connect the study of French with other disciplines such as translation, law, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, cognitive science, and public affairs 
  • Investigate current issues raised by major cultural, artistic, societal, political and linguistic movements that have contributed to the state of the French-speaking world today  


As a Master in French Studies graduate, you are well-equipped to become a leader and changemaker. Here are a few examples of possible career paths:  

  • Teaching 
  • Cultural journalism 
  • Editing and publishing 
  • Copywriting and professional writing 
  • Public Relations 

Hands-On Experiences

  • Apply the concepts and theories you’re studying to real world challenges. Engage in guided practical experiences in the classroom, workplace, community and abroad. These are some opportunities for French Studies graduate students. 
  • Join internationally known research centres to master skills in corpus analysis, in the edition of manuscript and the development of databases, bibliographies and e-journals at the Centre de documentation sur le Maghreb littéraire at the Keele campus, and on the Glendon campus, Le centre de recherche sur le contact linguistique, Le groupe de recherche en Études francophones and the Groupe de recherche sur la traduction et les échanges culturels

Admission Requirements

The following admission requirements are subject to the approval of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Leadership and Academic Planning Committee and the University Senate.

All students must hold an Honors Bachelor, with a minimum overall average of B-. Their knowledge of French both orally and in writing must be almost native and they must also be proficient in English.

Students who hold an Honors Bachelor in French and whose curriculum essentially corresponds to the courses offered in the Departments of French Studies in Canada can be admitted directly to the program.

Candidates with a specialized Bachelor in a field other than French must take a certain number of courses as part of a preparatory program. A minimum average of B is required for admission to a master's degree.

The candidates concerned must provide the following pieces of information:

  • A cover letter written in French (approximately one and a half pages)
  • A copy of written work completed as part of an undergraduate course in literature or linguistics

The following admission requirements are subject to approval by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Leadership and Academic Planning Committee and the University Senate.

All students must have a minimum overall average of B at the Master's level.

Applicants concerned must provide the following pieces of information:

  • A cover letter written in French (approximately one and a half pages)
  • A copy of a research work or a chapter of the thesis defended at the master's level. (30 pages maximum)
  • A CV
  • A certificate of the Viva for the Masters thesis or research project.

Program Requirements

Students obtain the master's degree by choosing one of the following three options:


Four courses successfully completed, and a thesis written under the supervision of a professor and formally defended in front of a jury. Theses are original contributions of approximately 100 pages in length and constitute an important contribution to the development of knowledge in the fields of linguistics or in those of literature.


Six courses successfully completed, and a research paper validated during an oral exam. The presentation is followed by a discussion with a jury of two people. Research work, which is shorter than dissertations, is not the subject of a formal defense. They are evaluated on the basis of a written work of approximately 60 pages.


Eight courses successfully completed, with the research component distributed in each of these courses in the form of individual assignments.

To successfully complete the doctoral degree students must:

  • Complete five courses of 3.0 credits over a maximum of 5 terms
  • Pass their comprehensive exams (oral and written part)
  • Write and defend their dissertation in front of a jury.

Theses are original contributions of a minimum length of 200 pages and are an important contribution to the development of knowledge in the fields of linguistics or in those of literature.

Duration - Master's program


The average duration of the Master’s program is five semesters, the equivalent of a year and a half of uninterrupted study in the program.


Part-time students usually take one course per semester for an average duration of 8 semesters, which is the approximate equivalent of two and a half years of uninterrupted study in the program.

Duration - PhD program


The average duration of the PhD program is twelve sessions, i.e. the equivalent of four years of study interrupted in the program.


Part-time students must usually take one course per semester to maintain their enrollment in the program.

Student Supports & Resources

Glendon Campus prides itself on being a supportive community that goes the extra mile to ensure you get the help you need. See some of the resources French Studies graduate students use the most. 

Meet Your Professors

You’ll learn from and get to know approachable professors, who are prominent members of the international translation studies community and actively working and researching in the field. 


Aimé Avolonto

York Hall 228
416-736-2100 x 88464

Jerzy Kowal

York Hall 124
416-736-2100 x 88333

Catherine Lamaison

York Hall 127
416-736-2100 x 88227

Marilyn Lambert-Drache

McLaughlin College, 227 (Keele)

Muriel Péguret

York Hall C136
416-736-2100 x 88242

Marie-Elaine Lebel

York Hall C130
416-736-2100 x 88143

Aurélie Takam Taguemne

York Hall 259
416-736-2100 x 88328

Usha Viswanathan

York Hall 229
416-736-2100 x 88224

Dominique Scheffel-Dunand

York Hall 138
416-736-2100 x 88596


Marie-Christine Aubin

York Hall C233
416-736-2100 x 88306

Ibrahim Badr

Ross Building, N735 (Keele Campus)

Guillaume Bernardi

York Hall A189
416-736-2100 x 88289

Marie-Hélène Larochelle

York Hall 263
416-736-2100 x 88218

Swann Paradis

York Hall 231
416-736-2100 x 88236

Marie-Christine Pioffet

York Hall 230
416-736-2100 x 66804

Janusz Przychodzen

Ross Building, N705 (Keele Campus)
416-736-2100 x 77069

Sylvie Rosienski-Pellerin

York Hall C129
416-736-2100 x 88447

Yvette Szmidt

York Hall 216
416-736-2100 x 88214

Jean-Pierre Thomas

York Hall 237
416-736-2100 x 88220

Lélia Young

Ross Building, N719 (Keele Campus)
416-736-2100 x 77066

News & Events


En savoir plus sur certains programmes d’études supérieures à l’université York, campus Glendon :  Maîtrise en traductologie, Maîtrise en études françaises, Doctorat en études francophones.

Veuillez vous joindre à nous, mercredi, 5 février à 14 heures sur Zoom : https://yorku.zoom.us/j/98355227657

Ordre du jour

  • Entrée directe
  • Bourses d’entrée
  • Financements
  • Frais de scolarité
  • Exigences du diplôme (Options : cours, travail de recherche, mémoire, thèse)
  • Conditions d’admission
  • Demande d’admission et date limite (le 15 février 2025)
  • Autres questions…

Questions ? Commentaires ? N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous!

Aurelia Klimkiewicz (Directrice du programme d’études supérieures en traductologie : aklimkiewicz@glendon.yorku.ca

Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (Directrice des programmes d’études supérieures en Études françaises et francophones : dsdunand@glendon.yorku.ca

Jacqueline Angoh (Coordinatrice des programmes d’études supérieures en traductologie, Études françaises et francophones  jangoh@glendon.yorku.ca

Learn more about some graduate programs at York University – Glendon campus:  MA in Translation Studies, MA in French Studies and Phd in Francophone Studies

Come and join us on Wednesday, Feb 5 at 2 p.m, on Zoom : https://yorku.zoom.us/j/98355227657

Items to be discussed:

  • Direct entry
  • Entrance Scholarship
  • Fellowships (funding)
  • Tuition fees
  • Degree Requirements (Options: courses, Research Paper, Thesis, doctoral dissertation)
  • Admission Requirements
  • Application process and deadline (February 15, 2025)
  • Any other questions you may have…

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Aurelia Klimkiewicz (Graduate Program Director, Translation Studies : aklimkiewicz@glendon.yorku.ca

Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (Graduate Program Director, French and Francophone Studies: dsdunand@glendon.yorku.ca

Jacqueline Angoh (Programs Coordinator, Translation Studies, French and Francophone Studies: jangoh@glendon.yorku.ca

a poster with details of grad info sessions which are already outlined in text within description of event calendar

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