In addition to Geography 5011 1.0: Graduate Colloquium , four half-courses, or equivalent, including Geography 5010 3.0 and either Geography 5209 3.0 or Geography 5600 3.0. In addition, MA students must complete Geography 5025 3.0. Elective courses are selected by candidates with the help of their advisors and at least 3 of the 4 half courses must be offered by the graduate program in Geography. A reading course may not be counted as one of the 3 Geography half courses. Students must successfully complete one of the program's research seminar courses. Masters students may take a maximum of one reading half course. Each candidate must submit a thesis based upon original research, and must successfully defend the thesis at an oral examination.
In addition to Geography 5011 1.0, students must successfully complete six half-courses, or equivalent, including Geography 5010 3.0 and either Geography 5209 3.0 or Geography 5600 3.0. In addition, MA students must complete Geography 5025 3.0. Elective courses are selected by candidates with the help of their advisors, and at least 3 of the 6 half courses must be offered by the Geography graduate program. A reading course may not be counted as one of the 3 Geography half courses. Students must successfully complete one of the program's research seminar courses. Masters students may take a maximum of one reading course. Each candidate must submit a research paper based upon original research, and must successfully defend the research paper at an oral examination. A research paper should be equal to a thesis in academic quality, but is more limited in scope.
Students registered as Ph.D. I or II Candidates must attend and participate in Geography 5011 1.0: Graduate Colloquium. In addition to Geography 5011 1.0, students must successfully complete five half-courses or equivalent. These will include Geography 5010 3.0, either Geography 5208 3.0 or Geography 5600 3.0, and Geography 5025 3.0 if no equivalent graduate level course was completed previously. If a student has already taken 5010 3.0, Geography 5025 3.0, Geography 5600 3.0, or a graduate level equivalent to Geography 5025 3.0, the supervisory committee will recommend alternative courses. If a student does not enroll in Geography 5025 3.0 because an equivalent has been completed in another graduate program, then the student is required to complete an additional elective course to make up the five half courses. Courses are selected by candidates with the help of their advisors and at least 3 of the 5 half courses must be offered by the Geography program. A reading course may not be counted as one of the 3 Geography courses. Doctoral students may take a maximum of one reading course. Comprehensive examinations on those aspect of geography and cognate disciplines deemed necessary to the general field in which the candidate is working. Normally three areas are included and the examinations take place during the second year of candidacy.
Presentation and defence of a Dissertation Proposal
Presentation and defence of a dissertation embodying the results of original research.

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The Graduate Program in Geography at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.