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Mathieu Poirier, from the School of Kinesiology & Health Science, and York U director of the Global Strategy Lab, shared his expertise in antimicrobial resistance during an interview with The Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Breakthrough series.

"As director of the Global Strategy Lab, Dr. Mathieu Poirier works at the intersection of health equity and health policy, focusing on issues that require global collaboration to solve. He and his team understood the threat posed by AMR and knew that concerted action was needed to change the course of the issue." See YFile story […]

Passings: Norman Gledhill, a York University professor emeritus in the School of Kinesiology & Health Science, and distinguished figure in the field of exercise physiology, passed away on Jan. 16, surrounded by his family.

In 1974, Gledhill joined the School of Kinesiology & Health Science, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the curriculum and developing key programs such as the undergraduate certificate program in fitness assessment and exercise counselling and the master of fitness science graduate program. His academic career at York and life was marked by […]

Cannabis retail does not burden emergency rooms, York U study led by Antony Chum, Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology & Health Science

A recent study led by Antony Chum, an associate professor in the School of Kinesiology & Health Science in York’s Faculty of Health, challenges long-held beliefs about the impact of cannabis retail on public health and provides guidance for policymakers. This is the first study to investigate how a randomized lottery system for recreational cannabis licenses affects public […]

Chris Ardern, Interim Dean, Faculty of Health, and Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology & Health Science issues Healthy World Report (formerly Impact Report).

WELCOME TO THE FALL 2024 ISSUE of the Healthy World Report (formerly Impact Report). Our vision as a Faculty is to be leaders and partners for a healthy and just 21st Century world and our mission is to positively influence health, wellness, and their determinants through leading-edge education, research, and practice. To that end, we are guided by the five strategic directions […]

Asthma Risk Research

Late menopause associated with greater asthma riskYork University researchers from the School of Kinesiology and Health Science, Michael Rotondi, Associate Professor, Heather Edgell, Associate Professor, and Professor Hala Tamim, along with Durmalouk Kesibi were mentioned in Managed Healthcare Executive Nov. 7

Professor Antony Chum’s new paper in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Assistant Professor and CRC Chair Antony Chum has a new paper in the Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology journal that examines the impact of cannabis legalization on healthcare use among those with schizophrenia. The paper is titled, "The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis-related acute care events among adults with schizophrenia." Antony Chum