D’Arcy Cameron

Career Strategist & Coach
History, Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1986
D'Arcy Cameron brings over 25 years experience as a Human Resources Professional and 12 years as a coach to his range of career planning and jobsearch services. D’Arcy’s practice is primarily with private clients; in addition, for 9 years he served as an Executive Coach in the joint Northwestern University/York University Executive MBA program.
Education & Experience
D’Arcy holds a Master of Adult Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, and graduated from York University with a Bachelor of Arts (History). He holds a Certified Coach Practitioner designation from the Certified Coaches Federation (CCF), and received coaching training from the Adler International Learning Coaching School.
Coaching Approach
D’Arcy applies a coaching approach that identifies and builds upon people’s strengths more than concentrating on “fixing weaknesses.” As a coach, D’Arcy helps translate personal aspirations, goals and performance measures into effective strategies to achieve the best outcomes.
A Special Coaching Option for Students: D'Arcy will coach up to 4 clients at once, working on issues common to all, with personal attention also. His coaching "hour" is 75 minutes in this situation, and each participant simply pays their portion of his usual rate. Available via visual meetings. Please contact D’Arcy at https://www.linkedin.com/in/darcycameron/
York University opened my eyes originally to the wider world of academic and career development through my enrollment in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education programs, and through on-campus employment as a student at the Career Centre. I have maintained a relationship with York for many years since as a contracted career development specialist, most recently with the Schulich School of Business.
I remain committed to the University and to this day I get a thrill when I see the diverse programs and visit the campus. I plan to stay involved with York always.
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Information Technology
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Machine Learning Engineer, SourcingHaus Research and Consulting Group
Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours
Coordinator, Marketing & Communications, Greater Toronto Hockey League