Below are York's six data governance goals, which are directly related to York's data governance Vision, Mission, and nine data principles.
Goal #1: Eliminate Data Silos
Eliminate data silos and shadow databases by implementing an institutional data governance framework, fostering collaboration with community stakeholders, and making data more visible.
Data Stewardship
Implement an institutional data governance framework and defined roles & responsibilities.
Institutional Data Centre
Launch a Data & Analytics Governance webpage and an institutional Data Hub to make data more visible.
Goal #2: Improve Quality, Increase Trust
Improve data quality to support decision-making and reduce rework by implementing a robust data quality process, Principal and Reference data, and data lineage.
Data Quality
Develop data quality processes, roles & responsibilities, and implement data quality tools.
Principal & Reference
Define authoritative sources of data, manage Principal data (e.g., person, organizational structure), and address gaps in Reference data (e.g., CIP, country codes).
Data Lineage
Capture the flow of data from source through intermediary systems and data transformations to a final destination.
Goal #3: Enhance Data Intelligence
Enhance the value of York's data and related decision-making by increasing visibility over data assets and developing definitions of data elements.
Data System Catalogue
Load select data systems leveraging information from the Application Portfolio to create relationships between definitions and data systems.
Data Dictionary
Define terms through business and technical definitions and create relationships between terms.
Goal #4: Improve Data Literacy
Facilitate understanding of data, dashboards and reports for all staff through communities of interest, educational sessions and courses.
Community of Engagement
Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing through forums and communities of practice.
Curriculum & Courses
Conduct educational sessions and courses to build our community's knowledge base.
Goal #5: Streamline Secure Access to Data Assets
Ensure that every staff member has the data necessary to do their job through simplified, role-based access.
Role-Based Access
Standardize and streamline roles & access, and define and implement role based access control methodology. Roles are dependent on accurate data classifications, technical definitions, and a well-populated data system catalogue.
Goal #6: Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Ensure regulatory compliance through policies and data classification.
Data Retention
Draft and enact policies around data retention.
Data Collection & Use
Draft and enact policies around data collection and use.