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Sabbatical Report: Language Classes (French)

Sabbatical Report: Language Classes (French)

During my sabbatical year in Strasbourg, France, I took both German and French language classes.  This blog entry is about the French course I took. Before getting into the details about how I took French lessons during my sabbatical, here is some background. We chose to raise our kids as francophones in Toronto. They went […]

Sabbatical Report: Summary

Sabbatical Report: Summary

Many professors in Canadian universities get a "sabbatical year" once every few years.  My first sabbatical year was from July 2018 to June 2019 and I spent most of it in Strasbourg, France, with my wife and kids.  Unlike what many people outside of academia think, it's not a vacation, but is generally considered a […]

Sabbatical Report: Teaching a Mechatronics Class in Strasbourg

Sabbatical Report: Teaching a Mechatronics Class in Strasbourg

In the winter semester of 2019 I helped teach a mechatronics class for senior engineering students at INSA Strasbourg. Like many of the classes at INSA, the course focused on lab work.  In this case, the students were working on moderately open-ended design work for mechatronics systems, combining earlier material that they had learned such […]

Sabbatical Report: Possible Franco-German-Canadian Student Exchanges

Sabbatical Report: Possible Franco-German-Canadian Student Exchanges

During my 2018-19 sabbatical year I worked with colleagues at engineering schools in Strasbourg, France and Karlsruhe, Germany.  These schools have well-developed exchange programs and wished to establish an exchange program with York University.  I had many productive and insightful conversations about ideas, challenges and opportunities for exchanges with Angelika Hammann and the staff in the […]

Sabbatical Report: Language Classes (German)

Sabbatical Report: Language Classes (German)

While on sabbatical in Europe I decided to see if I still had it in me to be a student again, so I decided to take language lessons.  Given Strasbourg's mixed franco-germanic history and culture I decided to take formal classes in German and French.  (and picked up a few words in Alsacian along the […]

Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

As part of my sabbatical activities I took on the "Temps Pratiques" microcontroller laboratory sessions for electrical engineering and mechatronics students at INSA Strasbourg.  In pre-sabbatical discussions with faculty and staff at INSA Strasbourg I found out that the students were learning using what I considered to be outdated technologies.  The PIC16F84A microcontroller chip used […]