During my sabbatical from York University, I taught IP 411 "Embedded Systems for Engineering Applications” class at Hochschule Karlsruhe (HsKA) in April and May, 2019. This page is an update to the Fall 2018 version of the course that I also taught at HsKA. The Spring version of the course take place over six days:
- Fri 26 April 2 pm – 5.30 pm
- Sat 27 April 10 am – 3 pm
- Fri 03 May 2 pm – 5.30 pm
- Sat 04 May 10 am – 3 pm
- Fri 24 May 2 pm – 5.30 pm
- Sat 25 May 10 am – 3 pm
The classroom is M 303 on the HsKa campus and further details will be added to this blog post when I get them.
The classes will deal with the ARM Cortex M0+ processors in embedded applications. Specifically, we will look at the NXP LPC 802. The reason is that the '802 is one of the most simple ARM Cortex chips on the market, making it an ideal chip to learn with if you wish to learn about ARM in embedded applications.
While we will be looking at the LPC 802 as a specific microcontroller, we will keep the lessons as generalized as possible so that what you learn could be applied to other ARM Cortex processors like the SAMD or STM32. The course will be an interactive and practical course, with in-class programming exercises.
The LPC 802 board (p/n OM40000), is available from digikey.de, Farnell Germany, Arrow.de and Mouser Germany. The board costs about 15 Euros and includes a USB cable and a built-in professional debugger. Each student must purchase the board before the class. Expect it to take about five days for the board to arrive. Each student will be expected to bring the LPC board and their personal computer to class.

Students need to purchase the board before class. Please purchase from Digikey, Arrow, Farnell or any other vendor you wish. The part number is OM40000.
Each student will be responsible for creating a project with the board in the time between the 2nd and 3rd weekends of the class, before the final test. You will have some flexibility in what you can do for the project. Depending on the complexity, it can be limited to software that runs on the board and no additional hardware, or you may add additional hardware using MikroE "Click" boards that I can loan you or that you can purchase on your own. Here is an example of me using a "Click" board with the LPC802 and other microcontrollers: https://youtu.be/hngg8qH_Zw8.
If you wish to contact me, James Smith, ahead of time or during the course, please email: drsmith@yorku.ca and put IP411 in the subject header or contact me via Twitter.
- Setting up a project in MCUXpresso 10.3 with the LPC802: https://youtu.be/Fgg5ONNHZrk
- User Manual: LPC802_UserManual_UM11045
- Schematic: LPC802_Schematic_SCH_LPCXpresso802_Ver_A
James Andrew Smith is an associate professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department in York University's Lassonde School. He lived in Strasbourg, France and taught at the INSA Strasbourg and Hochschule Karlsruhe while on sabbatical in 2018-19 with his wife and kids. This blog post is part of a series discussing the family's sabbatical year, from both personal and professional perspectives. You can view my Twitter postings from about Strasbourg (INSA) and HsKa (Karlsruhe).