The resource centre is NOT OPEN TO WALK IN VISITORS. Please email us at for any questions you may have and to request materials from the PRC.
Resource Centre

The PRC provides resources to York Psychology graduate students and department faculty members.
Browse our catalogue HERE
In order to place holds on materials, you must have an account with the PRC. If you do not have one please email
Many of our resources are available only to qualified personnel. For more information about qualification levels see our resources page HERE.
Requests must be made at least 1 week in advance. Placing a request does not guarantee a reservation. You will receive a confirmation email within a few days.
Undergraduate & Teaching Hebb Lab

Located in 159 BSB
Students & faculty are able to book this space for teaching purposes. Please see our calendar HERE to see when it is available.
The lab currently has 4 computers.
The lab is open for quiet study Monday to Friday 9 to 4 except when booked for a class. Please consult our calendar to see availability.
Graduate Hebb Lab

Located behind the Graduate lounge (in BSB) accessed by the door at the back of the room. (Please note only graduate students with access to this lounge, are able to use the graduate Hebb lab). It is accessible 24/7 (with a door code, which you can get from the psychology graduate office)
The Grad lab has 10 computers, some have Nvivo, M Plus and MatLab. The stations with these programs are labelled.