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Our Resources

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Commercial Tests

The test publishers hold the copyright to the commercial tests therefore they set the policies that determine who is qualified to use, administer, and interpret the test. This eligibility is based upon the user’s level of training and education.

Commercial tests are often clinical, longer and/or more complex tests which have been standardized, have established norms and often have multiple parts and/or manipulatives.

The PRC adheres to the publisher’s policies regarding test use. Therefore, certain tests have a restricted access.

Tests have been assigned Qualification levels:
A, B, and C  – these are set by the individual publisher.

Level A – an undergraduate degree or courses/ training in testing.

Level B – post-graduate training

Level C – a licensed, accredited psychologist

Costs of consumables will be listed in the Inventory section of each commercial test description.

ABC Papers:

(also known as Minor Area Papers)

Each Ph.D. candidate is required to write an ABC Paper.

This name reflects the following aspects of what this paper should entail:

  • Academic
  • Breadth – the main purpose of this requirement to gain breadth in a different topic and/or type of research compared to the rest of their work
  • Comprehensive – denotes the fact that this requirement serves in place of comprehensive exams

These items may not be borrowed or photocopied as they are copyright protected.

They are for use in the PRC only.

Compendia Tests

In the PRC we designate non-commercial tests with the label Compendia -Tests.

The compendia test books in the PRC can sometimes provide you with the test itself but will often simply provide information about the test e.g. administration, scoring, reliability, validity, norms, source references, etc. The compendia tests are non-commercial tests which are accessible and appropriate for reference as an undergraduate student. The compendia tests are not restricted.

While the measures may be reprinted in the compendias or articles, the authors and/or the publishers retain ownership. Permission may still be required from the author and/or publisher- sometimes this is explicitly stated.

The test compendia provide a wide array of personality, social psychological attitudes, marketing and consumer behaviour measures, etc.

These tests tend to be shorter and easier to use.

Typically they were originally published by researcher(s) in peer reviewed journals. They do not typically have fees associated with them to use.

Tests that are referenced in various articles but are not found in the compendia may be obtained by directly contacting the researcher who created the test or measure.

The “Type” field usually provides an indication if the entry contains the “Test” itself or just source information

  • Source will provide the source reference – not the actual the test itself
  • Test will include the actual test with items.


The resources the PRC has are not readily available or accessible online. Online tests/ resources are available through the York Library. They have many resources that are easily accessible and suitable for undergraduate students.

If you’re wondering what psychological tests, books, or other holdings the PRC has on hand, Please see our catalogue HERE for more details.

In order to place holds on materials, you must have an account with the PRC. If you do not have an account with the PRC, please email to create one.

Some fourth year students will be in this category,  and faculty and students not in the clinical program who want to use the A level materials.

Please be aware that even if you have an account with the PRC and can view the catalogue many of our resources are available only to qualified personnel.


Who is Eligible to Borrow Books? 

  • Books may be borrowed by graduate students and faculty only.

We do not carry copies of current textbooks.

Q Global E Manuals

You must have a Q Global account to access the manuals. Please email to be assigned the use of a manual.


  • ACS Test of Premorbid Functioning Word Card
  • Beery VMI 6th ed Manual
  • BSI 18 Administration, Scoring and Procedures Manual
  • CVLT 3 Manual
  • CVLT C Manual
  • DKEFS Examiners Manual
  • DKEFS Stimulus Book
  • DKEFS Stimulus Book Administration Directions
  • DKEFS Technical Manual
  • MMPI-3 Manual for Administration, Scoring and Interpretation
  • MMPI-3 Technical Manual
  • WAIS-IV CDN Administration and Scoring Manual
  • WAIS-IV CDN Stimulus Book 1
  • WAIS-IV CDN Stimulus Book 2
  • WAIS-IV Canadian Manual
  • WAIS-IV Technical and Interpretive Manual
  • WIAT-III CDN Examiner's Manual
  • WIAT-III Technical Manual
  • WISC-V Administration and Scoring Manual with Manual Supplement
  • WISC-V CDN Response Booklet 1
  • WISC-V CDN Response Booklet 2
  • WISC-V CDN Stimulus Book 1
  • WISC-V CDN Stimulus Book 2
  • WISC-V CDN Stimulus Book 3
  • WISC-V Canadian Manual
  • WMS-IV Administration and Scoring Manual
  • WMS-IV Remote-Adapted Response Booklet
  • WMS-IV Stimulus Book 1
  • WMS-IV Stimulus Book 1 Administration Directions
  • WMS-IV Stimulus Book 2
  • WMS-IV Stimulus Book 2 Administration Directions
  • WMS-IV Technical and Interpretive Manual
  • WRAML 2 Manual
  • WRAML 3 Administrative Manual
  • WRAML 3 Technical Manual
  • WRAT 5 Manual
  • WRAT 5 Norms Book
  • WRAT 5 Reading Card
  • WRAT 5 Sentence Comprehension Card Set
  • WRAT 5 Spelling Card