The Institute for Social Research houses the largest university-based survey research centre in Canada. For over 50 years, it has built a reputation for high-quality multi-platform surveys. The Institute undertakes research that engages interdisciplinary social issues through research methodologies that involve survey, quantitative, and mixed methods investigations. We provide expert consulting in social statistics, teach a range of short courses on statistics and social research, and operate York University’s Research Data Centre in association with Statistics Canada. We also provide research services within York University for students, faculty and senior administrators that supports these research methodologies and undertakes studies of the university community.
What We do
Over 60 years of excellence in conducting applied and academic social research
- Survey Research (Telephone, Web, Mail, Wiki)
- Qualitative Research (In-depth interviews, Focus groups)
- Statistical Consulting Service & Short Courses
- Data Management and Analytics
- Statistics Canada's York Research Data Centre (York RDC)
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Latest Research

Academic Sector
- SSHRC -“Blackness in Canada” Project
- Youth Research and Evaluation Exchange (YouthREX)
- CIHR- Canada COVID-19 Public Understanding Survey
- Uof Victoria- Blood Donations Survey
- CIHR- Making I-SPARX Fly in Nunavut Project

Public and Private Sectors
- Physical Activity Monitor (PAM) Survey
- CAMH Monitor Survey
- Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) Survey
- CAMH Ontario Student Drug Use and Health (OSDUHS) Survey

York University Community
- Cyclical Program Review
- 2022 Transportation Survey-Analysis
- Faculty of Health Strategic Plan 2023-2028 survey
- Faculty of Education-5 year Plan review
- Glendon Students: 50 Years Later- web survey
- Academic Innovation Funded (AIF) Projects
Who works with ISR
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