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Thomas S. Salisbury

Picture of Thomas S. Salisbury
Thomas S. Salisbury
Professor Emeritus


Mathematics and Statistics


Office Location N621A Ross Building
Phone Number 416-736-5250


Thomas S. Salisbury received his BSc in 1979 from McGill University, and his PhD in mathematics in 1983 from the University of British Columbia. After a postdoctoral position at Purdue University, he moved to York University, in whose department of Mathematics and Statistics he is a Professor and former department chair. His research area is probability theory and stochastic processes, including applications of Brownian motion to actuarial finance. He has been a co-editor-in-chief of the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin and an associate editor of Probability Theory and Related FieldsPotential Analysis, and the Canadian Journal of Statistics. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), and of the Fields Institute, and won the CMS's Graham Wright award in 2015. He teaches financial engineering at York, was director of analytics at Quantitative Wealth Management Analytics group (QWeMA) prior to the latter's acquisition by CANNEX, and led the Finsurance project at MITACS-MPRIME. He chaired the task force that initiated the 2007 revision of the Ontario grade 12 curriculum, and subsequently served on the Ontario Minister of Education's curriculum council. He has served terms as President of the Canadian Mathematical Society and as Deputy Director of the Fields Institute, and is currently President of the Probability Section of the Statistical Society of Canada. His current research is supported by NSERC.


Probability theory, Actuarial finance

Research Areas

Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics