There are a variety of awards and grants internal to York and external awards and fellowships recognizing outstanding teaching and teachers. To learn more or to request support in developing your award application, please contact us at
In addition to one-on-one support, in 2023 the Teaching Commons offered a combination of roundtables, talks, workshops, resources, and one-on-one consultations to support the development of dossiers and applications for internal and external teaching awards.
A captioned recording of this session is available below.
21st Century Learning is one of the six priorities for action in the York University Academic Plan (2020-2025). “This Priority speaks to diversifying how we teach in an era of perpetual, universal learning. Rather than acquiring static knowledge, the hallmark of education for the future is now intellectual agility, adaptability, and knowing how to learn in any context.” Teaching is central to what we do to support our students today and tomorrow. The impact and legacy of our collective work as Scholarly Teachers, our dedication to student learning, and our commitment to teaching and learning and the student experience matter and deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated. Join us on February 28th from 1:00-2:30PM for a virtual panel session composed of teaching award recipients, where we will engage as a teaching and learning community in discussions about teaching and learning and about the significance of teaching awards. Beyond their formal recognition of exemplary teaching, they offer opportunities for growth and development. The Teaching Commons is eager to celebrate these successes with all of you and provide support in your nomination – no matter what the award!
Eric Armstrong (AMPD Senior Teaching Award)
Bridget Cauthery (University-Wide Teaching Award)
Franz Newland (Airbus Global Engineering Deans Council Diversity Award) — initially scheduled as Danielle Robinson
Matthew Dunleavy (STLHE D2L Innovation in Teaching and Learning Award)
We invite everyone applying to internal and external teaching awards for the 2023-24 academic to join us for a chance to meet fellow applicants and start to build connections for support.
Come prepared to talk about which award(s) you are considering applying to and we start to plan timelines and develop plans for building dossiers and applications.
If you do not have a target award, you are still more than welcome to join us.
This session takes place on March 28th, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
During this session we will be joined by Anne F. MacLennan to answer any questions you may have following our Award Winners Roundtable, drawing on her wealth of experience as a teaching award winner and adjudicator.
Anne F. MacLennan is Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies. She is currently the Chair of the Senate Awards Committee that adjudicates the President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards and was previously the Chair of the Teaching Awards Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Teaching and Learning Committee in 2014. Anne MacLennan was awarded the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty Teaching Award in 2023, the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies in the category of Tenured/Tenure Stream Faculty for 2021-22, and the University-Wide Teaching Award in 2006.
A teaching philosophy statement is a unique and personal statement about your beliefs and values in teaching and learning. Although we teach every day and act in ways we believe in, it isn't always easy to articulate these beliefs and values. We invite participants to bring a pre-existing (perhaps from a Tenure & Promotion file, job application, etc.) or draft teaching philosophy statement to workshop with colleagues and educational developers.
During the session, you'll have an opportunity to engage in activities designed to help you identify and articulate your beliefs and values in teaching and learning. Through appreciative inquiry, guiding questions, interviews and reviewing teaching philosophy statements you will be able to explore your own beliefs and values and identify what you may wish to include in your own teaching philosophy statement.
This session takes place on April 18th, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
In May, we draw attention to numerous asynchronous resources that will allow you to reflect upon your teaching, gather evidence, and begin building out your award application:
Reflecting on (Your) Practice: A Self-Paced Guide for Engaged Teaching
Framework for Engaged Teaching at York University: Moving Towards Evidence-Driven Practice
We invite award applicants to book one-on-one consultations with Matthew to develop a strategy for getting a nominator and supporting letters; this will also be an opportunity to review application progress and identify any additional supports needed.
Your teaching dossier serves as a tool that provides evidence of your teaching quality and effectiveness. This session is intended to provide you with the basics of creating and assembling your teaching dossier, as well as strategies to adapt your teaching dossier when applying for specific teaching awards. You will have the opportunity to interact with other participants to help you start thinking about, forming, and editing your teaching philosophy statement.
This session takes place on May 23rd, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education describes educational leadership as " leading significant transformation in teaching and learning at an institutional, disciplinary, community, and/or societal level. Educational leadership fosters and supports change, and leads to a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse post-secondary education landscape.” Join us as we discuss educational leadership at York. Participants will be encouraged to identify their own contributions to educational leadership and create strategies for communicating those accomplishments in teaching dossiers and award applications.
This session takes place on June 20th, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education describes educational leadership as "the intentional actions of an instructor to create an exceptional learning environment through engaging in pedagogical practices designed to maximize student learning. Excellent teachers engage in inclusive practices, scholarly teaching and ongoing reflection of their own teaching practice.” Join us as we discuss teaching excellence at York. Participants will be encouraged to identify their own evidence of teaching excellence and create strategies for communicating those accomplishments in teaching dossiers and award applications.
This session takes place on July 25th, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
Whether you have attended our 2023 programming supporting the development of an application for teaching awards (Reflecting On Our Practice, What is Educational Leadership, and What is Teaching Excellence, to name a few) or if you are just looking for assistance editing a teaching dossier, in this interactive workshop participants will be guided through the re-writing and editing process to ensure that their individual voice shines through while sticking to the formal requirements of a required dossier.
This session takes place on August 16th, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education describes educational innovation as "the novel execution of ideas that contribute to more effective teaching and learning practices. The result of educational innovation impacts people in academia and beyond to reach mutual goals.” Join us as we discuss educational innovation at York. Participants will be encouraged to identify their own evidence of educational innovation and create strategies for communicating those accomplishments in teaching dossiers and award applications.
This session takes place on August 22nd, 2023 from 2:00pm-3:30pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
Facilitated peer-feedback workshop with peers and Teaching Commons Educational Developers designed to bring applications into the final stage. We will use the Society for Teaching in Learning in Higher Education 3M National Teaching Fellow award as a guide (but you are encouraged to attend if you are applying for any internal or external award). As the STLHE describes, to make sure the application “demonstrate[s] impact on students and institutions”; an application that “tell[s] a story, that jump[s] off the page.”
This session takes place on September 26th, 2023 from 12:00pm-3:00pm online via Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared via email closer to the session date.
In October, we invite award applicants to book one-on-one consultations to assist applicants and nominators ensure application packages are complete and ready for submission.