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Academic Honesty @ York Modules

Each of the five Academic Honesty @ York video modules present situations where students engage in academically dishonest behaviours. They engage in these behaviours due to reasons such as poor time management, stress, or not being prepared. Each module provides suggestions for making academically honest choices instead.

The modules also connect to the unique attributes that York students possess:

  • York Students are Here to Learn
  • York Students are Resilient
  • York Students Know and Use the Supports Available to Them
  • Identify academic honesty breaches in various situations.
  • Develop an understanding of why academic honesty matters at university and in your future careers.
  • Identify and reflect on academically honest solutions for moving forward in each scenario.  
  • Understand where to get support.

Maya's Scenario: Unauthorized Collaboration

Raz's Scenario: Buying an Assignment

Naomi's Scenario: Using Tools Dishonestly

Alex's Scenario: Group Assignment Plagiarism

Eser's Scenario: Submitting Assignments Found on Content-Sharing Sites