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Notice of Intention to Develop a Program Proposal

Notice of Intention to Develop a Curriculum Proposal Template

Proponents planning to develop a proposal under the YUQAP guidelines must notify the office of the Dean(s) / Principal in the respective Faculties/Schools of their intentions using the Notice of Intention to Develop a Curriculum Proposal template. It is understood that the respective Faculties/Schools in this instance refer to the Faculties/Schools where a program is anchored (i.e., from which the program will receive resources). The Deans/Principal shall notify the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic using the form. The Vice-Provost Academic will in turn share that information with the Secretariat of the University and the Vice-President Academic.

The purpose of this required step is to:

  • provide input from the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic (graduate programs receive special attention from the Associate Vice-President Graduate/ FGS Dean)
  • ensure that consultations among interested parties are taking place early on in the development of the proposal and to make preliminary assessments of academic resource requirements and consistency with academic plans; and
  • alert the appropriate Senate Committees.

Proponents will receive notification of permission to proceed from the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic within 60 days of receipt of the Notice of Intent; however, it should be noted that authorization to proceed with a proposal does not constitute formal support.