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Program Modifications

In an effort to restructure a program, keep a program current, or add a program offering, a program may want to propose a program modification. There are three types of program modifications ranging from a major modification to a minor modification, each with its own template and proposal procedure.

As outlined in the YUQAP, before drafting a major modification proposal, a Notice of Intention or NOI must be submitted to the Vice-Provost Academic who will determine whether the change falls under the protocol for a major modification or, potentially, a new program. Authorization to proceed with a proposal does not constitute formal support.

The templates for the NOI and modifications are provided below.

Protocol for Program Modification

YUQAP Section 5. This protocol applies to programs undergoing program modifications.

Notice of Intent

As outlined in the YUQAP, prior to the development of a major modification proposal, proponents shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Vice-Provost Academic that would provide a brief statement about the proposal, a summary of new or reallocated resources, and details about preliminary and anticipated consultations.
The Vice-Provost Academic is authorized to determine whether the proponents will be authorized to proceed with the development of a proposal.

A formal letter of support from the relevant Dean or Principal must accompany the Notice of Intent.

For support in developing a Notice of Intent (NOI), contact the Office of the Vice Provost Academic.

Scope and Templates for Program Modifications


Distinctions amongst program modification types
Major ModificationsDetailed Minor ModificationsStandard Minor Modifications
DefinitionA significant change to a degree program or Type 2 or Type 3 Graduate Diploma, which may include significant changes to the program requirements, intended learning outcomes, mode of delivery, and/or human and other resources associated with the program.A modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification but that:
• may have a broad impact
• require consultation across units/groups
• include substantial changes to an existing program option established through a major modification (e.g., minor, graduate specialization, option, certificate, or WIL option)
A modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification or a detailed minor modification.
TemplateSee below.See below.Contact your Faculty for a Faculty-specific form that addresses these types of program modifications.
Examples• Substantive changes to program learning outcomes (PLOs) and/or approved requirements that comprise up to approximately one-third of the program
• Major changes to courses comprising a significant proportion of the program and making an important contribution to meeting program learning outcomes (approximately one-third of courses).
• The addition of a new major (undergraduate) where a similar major exists
• Change in program name and/or degree nomenclature when this results in a change in learning outcomes. (Note: New degree types require a separate Motion to Senate)
• Addition or deletion of streams
• Establishment of undergraduate certificates
• The merger of two or more programs
• The creation of combined degrees (existing programs), either undergraduate, graduate, or undergraduate/graduate
• Establishment of a dual credential arrangement (degree/degree or degree/diploma)
• New bridging options for college diploma graduates
• Establishment of a minor program or minor option
• The addition of new options or significant changes to a program’s delivery, including to the program’s faculty and/or to the essential physical resources as may occur, for example, where there have been changes to the existing mode(s) of delivery (e.g., different campus, part-time to full-time (or vice-versa) and/or online/hybrid delivery).
• At the master’s level, the introduction or deletion of a major research paper, thesis, or course-only option
• In a graduate program, addition or deletion of an allowable dissertation / thesis format
• The introduction or deletion of a required co-op, course-based placement, practicum, internship or other work-integrated learning requirement
• A new specialization at the graduate level
• The introduction or deletion of a field in a graduate program
• The creation of a collaborative specialization at the graduate level
• The creation of a new Type 1 graduate diploma
• Significant change to graduate degree requirements, including comprehensive exams and thesis requirements, that result in a significant change to the learning outcomes (see first point above)
• Addition of part-time / full-time program offering, or a change from option to the other, where no significant change in resources is required
• Addition of an optional, standalone work-integrated learning element, e.g., an internship course or similar non-credit element.
• Substantive changes in admission requirements
• Substantive changes in progression requirements
• Substantial changes to required/core courses for a major/graduate degree that do not rise to the level of a major modification
• Substantial changes to any existing program option that was previously established via major modification (i.e., substantial change to a minor, option, certificate, work-integrated learning option, or graduate specialization.)
• Calendar copy corrections
• Revisions and/or updates to PLOs that do not change the substance of the PLOs
• Change program name or nomenclature where there are no changes to PLOs
• Course changes – revisions, additions, deletions, repositioning, resequencing, etc. – where there are no changes to PLOs
• Change in program requirements or sequencing where less than one-third of the program courses are affected
• Minor changes (changes less than one-third of the program) to an existing minor, specialization, option, certificate, or WIL option (i.e., minor change to anything established through a major modification)
• Closure of any degree option, e.g. honours specialization
Program Modification Distinction Table for download

(Updated March 2024)


Upon receipt of the Notice of Intention (NOI), the Vice-Provost Academic will determine whether a change falls under the protocol for a major modification.

A major modification is a significant change to a degree program or Type 2 or Type 3 Graduate Diploma, which may include significant changes to the program requirements, intended learning outcomes, mode of delivery, and/or human and other resources associated with the program.

Template: Major Modification Proposal

(Updated March 2024)

For support in developing a Major Modification Proposal, contact the Office of the Vice Provost Academic.

Template: Graduate Field Proposal

(Updated July 2023)

Before drafting a major modification proposal, a Notice of Intention must be submitted to the Vice-Provost Academic.

A detailed minor modification is a modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification but the modification may have a broad impact, require consultation across units/groups, and/or include substantial changes to an existing program option established through a major modification (e.g., minor, graduate specialization, option, certificate, or WIL option).

Template: Detailed Minor Modification Proposal

(Updated March 2024)

A standard minor modification is a modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification or a detailed minor modification.

Contact your Faculty for a Faculty-specific form that addresses these types of program modifications. If no Faculty-specific form is available, this standard template can be used.


YUQAP Resources & Support

Have questions about YUQAP? Need support for proposals and other documentation? We can help.