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Course Checklists, Mapping Tools and Syllabi

Course Checklists

  • The Anglia Ruskin University has covered sustainability in every course. Review the list of books, instructor resource guides, journal articles, websites, newspapers that can help instructors introduce sustainability into curriculum. 
  • The University of Calgary has created an Online Course Checklist. When designing online assessments common considerations such as aligning assessments with course learning outcomes, providing clear criteria for students, and protecting academic integrity need to be made. Review the guide before your online course is opened to students, as reminders to you throughout the semester, and as a review at the end of the course.
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador's Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning has created a Course Design Checklist.

Mapping Tools

  • Linked SDGs is a demo app that automatically extracts key concepts related to sustainable development from text documents and links them to the most relevant sustainable development goals, targets, indicators and series. Teachers and students can upload a document related to Sustainable Development Goals or paste its URL in order to analyse it (PDF, DOC, DOCX, HTML - max 50K words).
  • Visit the Mapping Tool. Use this self-evaluation tool in Excel to examine the extent to which you are teaching the SDGs in your class. 
  • OSDG is an open source initiative that aims to integrate various existing attempts to classify research according to Sustainable Development Goals, and to make this process open, transparent and user-friendly. Teachers and students can type or paste any text segment of at least 50 words (e.g. research abstract, publication excerpt) and the tool will assign SDG labels to the input.
  • Education for the SDGs at DMU has tools available to assist faculty with curriculum mapping, linking the SDGs to taught courses and a Living Lab approach tool.

Example Syllabi and Course Outlines

  • The American University in Rome has a program titled Food Studies: Policies for sustainable production and consumption. Read the course description.
  • The Council on Foreign Relations has World101 Lessons that align with the SDGs. Read the overview of lessons. View the  syllabus for 'An Introduction to Global Issues' lesson.