[Postponed] From Planetary Urbanization to Planetary Health: A Conversation About Work in Progress, with Chiara Camponeschi, Hillary Birch, and Raphael Aguiar
The phenomenon of ‘planetary urbanization’ has opened a crucial debate over how cities and their growth are implicated in the identification, emergence, and mitigation of global health threats. Systemic risks such as climate change, disease outbreaks and epidemics, and antimicrobial resistance bring to life the dynamic and multi-level relationship between urbanization and health, illustrating the urgent need to bring planetary urbanization and planetary health in conversation with one another. This session will provide an overview of a recent collaboration between three Dahdaleh Institute members whose work in progress explores the symmetries and opportunities between these epistemic domains. In preparation for the upcoming American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, the presenters welcome feedback from the Dahdaleh community and invite participants to share their insights during the session.

Speaker Profiles
Chiara Camponeschi
Dr. Chiara Camponeschi is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dahdaleh Institute. Her work is situated at the intersections of climate action, community engagement and health, with a focus on how the principles of wellbeing, solidarity, and care can provide a blueprint for building 'integrative resilience' in ways that are more equitable, inclusive, and just.
Hillary Birch
Hillary Birch is a PhD Candidate in Environmental Studies in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University. Her PhD explores how projects of global health intersect with processes of urbanization in Lusaka, Zambia, shaping flows of water and changing its quality. Hillary is a Dahdaleh Global Health Graduate Scholar in Planetary Health, and her research is also supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship and an IDRC International Doctoral Research Award.
Raphael Aguiar
Raphael Aguiar is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, earning his PhD in Health Policy and Equity from York University. He is currently engaged in projects supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada-Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund and SSHRC-New Frontiers in Research Fund, focusing respectively on the development of a One Health governance system addressing infectious diseases and climate change and on jointly analysing governance of emerging global health threats (infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food insecurity, and climate change).
Register below and join us on Wednesday, April 3, at 10 a.m.
Thank you for your interest, this event has been postponed.