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Website Updates - May 2021

We have some new updates to the modules to better suit your needs. These ongoing communications will provide the community news on the new module designs, templates, functionality, and opportunities available to enhance your websites and pages. These updates will continue on an ad-hoc basis as we consistently enhance and evolve our digital properties.

May 2021 Updates:

  1. News Module with 1 tab
  1. News Module read more text is editable
    • This update can make your “read more” or “read less” links more accessible by being able to change the copy to what content is being shared. For example, if it is news, “Read more news stories” as it is more descriptive. To do this you can:
      1. Select the module on the page
      2. Navigate to the “Block” on the right side menu
      3. Edit text and publish (see screenshot on right)
  1. Grey Background (column width)
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