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Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management Strategy

  • We aim to prevent and reduce the occurrence of pests through cultural techniques, such as maintaining good building cleanliness and encouraging individuals to dispose of food waste in outdoor compost digesters or kitchenette organic waste bins.
  • Once a concern has been reported, insect populations are monitored through traps and treatment is based on severity of the infestation
  • In the event that pest control is required, we use humane and non-chemical mechanical controls to physically remove pest.
    • For example: snap traps for mouse control, an assortment of styles of live traps for mammals, Vector light traps for fly control, Catchmaster glue board for general insect control and monitoring, Catchmaster Gold Stick sticky traps for fly/wasp control, Victor Yellow Jacket and flying insect bottle traps.
  • As needed, biological controls will be applied, such as plant- or bacteria-based biological insecticides.
  • If necessary, highly localized and species-specific chemical controls may be applied in strict adherence with Ontario Ministry of the Environment regulations(* Links to Ontario pesitide webpage) and York University’s Standard Operating Procedures(* Link needs to be identified) for health, safety, environmental protection and the provision of information.
      • Pest intervention techniques are decided upon and conducted by trained University staff and Ministry of the Environment Licensed Contractors, working in conjunction.
      • The University community is alerted to the use of any chemical controls by way of a campus-wide positing on YFile and regular updates to this website.
      • Areas are only treated on an as needed basis (i.e. treated only if the infestation is deemed severe). Treatment must only be applied on a once monthly prescheduled Spray Weekend, the dates of which are available for the coming 6-12 months (below).
      • When required, the preferred chemical control is a self-contained bait station (sealed to protect from human consumption) with an active ingredient of 0.05% Abemectin. In specific circumstances, a synthetic pyrethroid, such as Cyfluthrin (20%) may also be used (for more details see below). For more information about specific control agents, see the material safety data sheets available through the Health, Safety and Employee Well-being. * Links to HSEWB webpage
      • As mandated by the Province of Ontario, the University works to prevent, monitor and when necessary, intervene to control specific mosquito species which are known to be West Nile vectors (see below for more details).

Control Activities

The following dates are listed to indicate the application of pesticides on campus that may be prejudicial to ongoing scientific research in the Farquharson and Lumbers Buildings. All applications will be in strict accordance to the Standard Operating Procedures.

January 18-19, 2025
February 15-16, 2025
March 15-16, 2025
April 19-20, 2025
May 17-18, 2025
June 21-22, 2025
July 19-22, 2025
August 16-17, 2025
September 20-21, 2025
October 18-19, 2025
November 15-16, 2025
December 20-21, 2025

These treatments will typically start on the Friday's listed above at 5pm and be completed by 5pm on the following Sunday. Generally, only localized rooms on campus are sprayed on an as needed basis, only after all other pest control measures have been exhausted. All spray applications are conducted by government licensed technicians.

The Graduate Residence apartments are treated as required. Boric Acid and/or Propoxur are the only products utilized for this service. * both links, link to HSEWB Quick Link to the Safety Data Sheets 

Food Services Areas

Keele Campus

BuildingLocationAreas to be Treated/Monitored 
BergeronThe Bergeron MarketKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage, loading dock shipping & receiving area 
Central Square ComplexCentral Square Cafeteria/Tim Hortons/Pizza Pizza Starbucks (new location) Subway (new location) Et Al (new location formerly Grad Lounge)Lower level: Kitchen, storage areas, dumb waiter, Ross Loading Dock shipping/receiving areas,
Upper level: Kitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, Tim Hortons area, Pizza Pizza area
Centre for Fine ArtsFine Arts LobbyEntire Starbucks Kiosk, storage areas, loading dock shipping/receiving areas 
Complex 11) Winters Cafeteria 2) Absinthe Pub 3) Country Style Kosher DeliKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage rooms, Winters Loading Dock shipping & receiving areas
Kitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage roomsKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage rooms
Complex 21) Stong/ Bethune Cafeteria 2) Orange SnailKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating areas, freight elevator, Stong Loading Dock shipping/receiving areas, storage areas, office areas
Kitchen and storage areas, servery and seating areas, patio area
Curtis Lecture Hall1) Booster Juice Kiosk
2) The POD Kiosk
Entire Booster Juice Kiosk Entire POD Kiosk 
LassondeLassonde LobbyEntire Palgong Tea Kiosk 
Ignat Kaneff (formerly Osgoode Building)Osgoode BistroKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage areas, loading dock shipping/receiving area 
Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building
(formerly TEL)
Cafeteria/Tim HortonsKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating areas, Tim Hortons kiosk, storage rooms, loading dock shipping / receiving areas 
William Small CentreTim HortonsKitchen, prep and servery areas, seating area, storage rooms, shipping/receiving areas 
Glendon Campus
York Hall1) Cafeteria     2) Tim Hortons 3) The JunctionLower level - Kitchen, dishwash room, dumb waiter, storage rooms, office areas, loading dock shipping/receiving areas
Upper level - prep and servery areas, ice machine room, seating areas
Kitchen, servery and storage areas Entire Kiosk

Central Square & Ross Building -Bergeron Engineering Building – The Market

-Central Square Complex (includes CSQ Cafeteria, Tim Hortons and Pizza Pizza), Shipping/Receiving
-Starbucks (new location)
-Subway (new location)
-Et Al (new location formerly Grad Lounge)

Joan and Martin Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts (lobby) – Starbucks Kiosk

Complex 1 –
-Absinthe Pub: Storage, Dining, Garbage, Kitchen
-Country Style Kosher Deli: Storage, Kitchen, Dining area
- Winters Cafeteria: Kitchen, Shipping/Receiving, Storage Room, Dining area

Complex 2 –
Stong Cafeteria: Mechanical Room, Shipping/Receiving, Kitchen, Storage, Deli area, Dining
The Orange Snail: Storage, Kitchen, Dining Area

Curtis Lecture Hall –
Booster Juice Kiosk
The POD Kiosk

Lassonde Building – Palgong Tea Kiosk

Osgoode Building – Osgoode Bistro: Kitchen, Dining, Shipping/Receiving area

Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Bldg. (formerly TEL Building) – TEL Cafeteria: Shipping/Receiving, Garbage, Kitchen, Dining area, Tim Hortons, Deli Area

William Small Centre – Tim Hortons

Glendon Campus
-Glendon Cafeteria
-Tim Hortons

Contact: Tom Watt
Director, Food Services, Ancillary Services
Phone: 416-736-2100 ext. 55517

York University will be conducting larval monitoring, and as needed, larviciding from the end of May to the end of September, under the authority of the Local Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of the Environment, to control larval mosquitoes in order to prevent their development into vectors of West Nile virus.

The only method for West Nile Control is to control the vector, a specific species of mosquito in its larval form. All catchbasins at York University are monitored for this specific larva and chemical controls are only applied once significant numbers of the larva have been detected. Monitoring generally starts at the end of May and is completed in October. If significant numbers are detected, control agents will be used that are extremely host-specific, with no human health risk. As needed, the larvicide methoprene (Altosid Pellets, Reg. No. 21809) may be placed in stormwater catchbasin, and the microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (BT) (Aquabac 200G, Reg. No. 26863) may be applied to open bodies of water, such as Stong Pond. Generally a maximum of 5 treatments occur/annum, though in 2009, none were detected, so none was applied.

Methoprene and Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis are both registered larvicides that are approved for use by the Federal and Provincial Governments. All larvicide will be applied by applicators, licensed by the Ministry of the Environment, or supervised technicians; and each larviciding application will be carried out under permit from the Ministry of the Environment.

Please call Professional PCO Services at (416)520-7769 for details on the exact location and dates of treatments, or contact John Leva, York University’s Manager of Grounds, Fleet & Waste Management at (416)736-2100 x 33276 for more general information about West Nile control treatments.