This exciting and innovative program at York University provides students the opportunity to pursue many sub-fields including physiology, anatomy, health, sport administration, health psychology, and athletic therapy in preparation for a career in health and rehabilitation, fitness, recreation, sports industries, research, or teaching.

Our master's and doctoral programs will prepare you for advanced study in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology, Neuroscience and Biomechanics, Health and Fitness Behaviors, Socio-Cultural and Policy Studies in Sport and Physical Activity.

The Graduate Program in Kinesiology and Health Science offers two diploma courses. Students pursuing an MSc in Neuroscience may apply for the Neuroscience Graduate Diploma, and students pursuing a PhD in Health Psychology may apply for the Health Psychology Doctoral Diploma Program.
Areas of Research Interest
General areas of faculty interest are listed below, grouped by research expertise. The specific interests of each faculty member are provided under the list of Faculty Research Interests. Students must have the consent of a supervising faculty member with whom they will work closely on a research project and faculty members should be contacted directly for details about their research. Admittance to the program is only official when a letter of admittance is received from the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology
- cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and molecular muscle physiology
- respiratory/exercise physiology
- thermal regulation
- endocrinology and metabolism
- vascular biology/cell signaling
- nutrition
Neuroscience and Biomechanics
- neuromotor control/eye-hand coordination
- visual perception/attention/sensorimotor integration
- molecular neuroscience
- ergonomics/occupational biomechanics
- biomechanics of disease and injury
Health and Fitness Behaviours
- health psychology (eating disorders, behavioural cardiology, pain and aging, cancer prevention and treatment)
- epidemiology (physical activity and fitness, childhood injuries, chronic disease and aging, maternal and child heath)
- rehabilitation of clinical populations
- health and sport
Socio-Cultural and Policy Studies in Sport and Physical Activity
- Socio-cultural study of sport, health and physical activity
- Policy studies of sport and physical activity
- Physical cultural studies

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Kinesiology and Health Science at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.