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Graduate Seminar Schedule

Class starts at 11:30 am in Accolade Building West (ACW) 006
See schedule below for dates.

Presenter abstracts will be circulated via email prior to seminar start.

Questions should be emailed to

Important Note:

  1. MA-1, MSc-1, PHD-1, PHD-2 must attend at least 10 classes to receive a PASS grade; attendance will be taken.
  2. Typically PhD's have 20 minutes and Master's have 15 minutes to present: then + 5 minutes of questions.
  3. Presenters must email their abstract to their Supervisor for approval at least one week in advance of presentation date.
TermDateStudent LastStudent FirstDegreeSupervisor
F24Sept. 6CIHR ResearchDr. Ashley Day
F24Sept. 13VovanSoniaPhDSergio
F24Sept. 13SmehaNicolePhDSergio
F24Sept. 13ZapataDominicMScHurley
F24Sept. 13BoulangerStephenPhDHurley
F24Sept. 20NO CLASS
F24Sept. 27NO CLASS
F24Oct. 4Ferreira GomesJuliaPhDHayhurst
F24Oct. 4NachmanJessicaPhDHayhurst
F24Oct. 4ModicaMichaelPhDHynes
F24Oct. 11DisiminoKaterinaPhDBassett-Gunter
F24Oct. 11FraschettiEmilyPhDJosse
F24Oct. 11NaderGeorgePhDHaas
F24Oct. 18NO CLASS
F24Oct. 25OakleyPaulPhDGage & Mochizuki
F24Oct. 25FlewwellingLukePhDCheng
F24Nov. 8MoradiNeushawPhDHood
F24Nov. 8WeinbergSaraPhDCleworth & Sergio
F24Nov. 22IenciuKristineMScChum
F24Nov. 22MaduGloryPhDBelcastro & Cleworth
F24Nov. 22MirzadehParmisPhDKuk & Ardern
F24Nov. 29NO CLASS
W25Jan. 10BurelleSamanthaPhDErickson & Safai
W25Jan. 10TiwanaJasminMScRitvo
W25Jan. 10DangKevinPhDRitvo
W25Jan. 17ZerroukMiriamMScAdegoke
W25Jan. 17SadrmaneshOmidrezaMScKuk
W25Jan. 17YazdanparastAmirPhDKuk
W25Jan. 24NO CLASS
W25Jan. 31GujralMankiratMScEdgell
W25Jan. 31KutheJaredMScHood
W25Jan. 31RasulWajeehaMASafai
W25Feb. 7LiWinnieMScErickson
W25Feb. 7GagnonSaraMScJosse
W25Feb. 7DohertyCalumMASafai
W25Feb. 14KalkatRavneetPhDHynes
W25Feb. 14MahboobMishelPhDEyawo
W25Feb. 14MannPrabhdeepMARtivo
W25Feb. 21NO CLASS
W25Feb. 28MorrisBrookeMScPerry
W25Feb. 28LemieuxPierrePhDBirot
W25Feb. 28AdilOmarPhDArdern & Tamim
W25March 7NicolucciLauraMScAbdul-Sater
W25March 7Tariniya GilaniAzinMScAbdul-Sater
W25March 7RassiSepehrPhDBassett-Gunter
W25March 7RashidiTalhaMScRotondi
W25March 14JonesRyanMAFraser-Thomas
W25March 14MachulaAntonMScSergio
W25March 14McCurdy-ByrnesAmanda (Mandy)PhDFraser-Thomas
W25March 14CarsonRachaelPhDGrace
W25March 21ChengNicholasMScJosse
W25March 21OakleyPaulPhDGage & Mochizuki
W25March 21VervaeckeDeannaPhDMeisner
W25March 21Taherkhani KianKianMScRiddell
W25March 28NivickiValentinaMAFraser-Thomas
W25March 28IqbalIsraMScHayhurst
W25March 28SranManeetMScFraser-Thomas
W25March 28CarrilloDanielaMScDe Lisio

Facilities and Resources

As a graduate student at York University, you have a variety of outstanding resources available to you to help in your pursuit of a degree.

The Muscle Health Research Centre (MHRC) is an Organized Research Unit at York University which provides a centralized and focused research emphasis on the importance of skeletal muscle to the overall health and well-being of Canadians. Skeletal muscle, 40 per cent of a human’s body mass, is a unique and large tissue that significantly contributes to an individual’s metabolism, locomotion, and overall quality of life.

The MHRC is composed of faculty members and graduate students in both Kinesiology and Health Science and Biology. Members study muscle biology in the broadest terms, including muscle development, disease, metabolism, blood supply, injury and regeneration, and adaptation to acute and chronic exercise. Approaches used by faculty and graduate students for the study of muscle include molecular, cellular and whole-body techniques.

The Centre for Vision Research (CVR) at York University is an international leader in human and machine vision research. Uniting researchers from psychology, computer science & engineering, biology and kinesiology & health science, work at the centre is highly interdisciplinary and collaborative, rooted in a fundamental research programme that merges techniques in human psychophysics, visual neuroscience and computational theory. Leading-edge facilities include a 3T fMRI scanner, a six-sided immersive virtual reality room, and a wide array of visuo-robotic platforms.

The YorkU Centre for Aging Research & Education (YU-CARE) and York University Graceful Aging Alliance vision is to promote graceful aging by approaching aging with active and positive responses to changes and challenges throughout the aging process on a societal and individual level. Its mission is to contribute to improved health and well being for older adults.  By promoting innovative research, education and advocacy on graceful aging we wish to introduce a radical attitude shift about aging and contribute to improved health for older adults in Canada and around the world.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Kinesiology and Health Science at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.