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Program Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes (PLOs) are statements about what Bachelor of Health Studies graduates are expected to be able to do and know(knowledge, attitudes, skills, etc.) upon successful completion of their program, as a result of their learning in the program.

Bachelor of Health Studies (BHS) program options include two direct entry honours programs: 

  • Health Studies [YHE] 
  • Health Policy, Management & Digital Health Specialized Honours [YHY] 

And a 90-credit (ordinary) bachelor's degree.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Health Studies Ordinary (90 credit) and Honours (120 credit BHS and Specialized Honours)

  • Systematically select, interpret and synthesize available information in a clear and succinct manner verbally and in writing using proper sentence structure and citation formats.
  • Critically appraise evidence, perspectives and the assumptions and limitations to various methodological, theoretical and disciplinary approaches in health studies.
  • Work collaboratively in teams to analyze issues, perspectives and solve problems in health policy, management and informatics.
  • Act responsibly and with integrity as expected of professionals in a career that recognizes the social determinants of health and advances health equity.

Additional PLOs for the honours programs (120 credit programs)

Health Studies Honours BHS

  • Plan and carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses using an interdisciplinary perspective that considers tensions between evidence and values.

Health Policy, Management & Digital Health Specialized Honours (HPMD)

  • Describe and apply health policy concepts to inform decision making at a micro, meso and macro level.
  • Describe and apply health management concepts to assess and improve health system performance.
  • Describe and apply health informatics concepts to design and evaluate health information systems and technology solutions.