The Hellenic Heritage Foundation Greek Canadian Archives (HHF GCA) aims to collect, preserve, and create resources relating to the history of Greek Canada.
Our archive grew out of the Greek Canadian History Project (GCHP)—a joint initiative launched by Athanasios (Sakis) Gekas and Christopher Grafos in 2012. Generous donations from the Hellenic Heritage Foundation and York University in 2021 helped establish a permanent archive housed in the Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections section of York University Libraries.
For more information about the HHF GCA, please contact
Did you immigrate from Greece to Canada before 1970? If so, we invite you to participate in the “Greeks in Canada” research project. We are especially interested in interviewing families who arrived before WW2. If you are interested, please email us at
— HHF Greek Canadian Archives (@hhfgca) May 18, 2023

'That Ethnic Thing'
Narrating Greek Canadian history in terms of struggle and inevitable integration is reductive. Our history contains more texture. Certainly, our increased visibility on screens, in boardrooms, and on the Supreme Court merits promotion, particularly when contextualized as the product of collective effort, individual perseverance, and environment...

Review: "Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis" (Ergon)
Greek Diaspora engagement in “times of severe economic crisis” now has its first synthesis, an edited volume that deals with the various roles the diaspora played in the post-2010 period...

'Μην ψηφίσεις τον Έλληνα' (Don't Vote For the Greek)
By 2019, the enthusiasm that carried Justin Trudeau into power had waned. The Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) won that year's federal election but lost the popular vote by a wide margin...

'Whose are you? Τίνος ίσι συ;'
The Greek community in Toronto is at a crossroads, both as an organization and an ethnic group. The Greek Community of Toronto Inc. is embroiled in another financial crisis and is on the verge of insolvency. Yet, this latest crisis is a symptom of a much older disease...

3rd Greek Canadian Studies Conference
On May 9-10, 2024, the Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair of Modern Greek History and the HHF Greek Canadian Archives at York University will host the 3rd Greek Canadian Studies Conference. The central theme of this year’s conference is “Diasporic Identity: Performance and Practice.”

From Press to Preservation: Building the HHF Greek Canadian Archives at York University
On May 9, 2024, the Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair of Modern Greek History, the HHF Greek Canadian Archives at York University, and the Greek Community of Toronto will host "From Press to Preservation: Building the HHF Greek Canadian Archives at York University." Join us at the Polymenakion Cultural Centre at 30 Thorncliffe Park Drive ...

Greek Elections 2023
The results of the double Greek elections surprised most people who were closely watching opinion polls between July 2019 and May 2023. All recent surveys seemed to agree that the governing center-right party, New Democracy, would win by a small margin—especially after the anger the Tempe tragedy aroused...

Seeking Interview participants who were born in the 1930s and who wish to share their childhood experiences
This study is seeking participants who were born in Greece in the late 1920s and the 1930s to document and archive their memories and experiences.