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Black History Month

HTI's Black History Month 2023 Opening Ceremony Honouring Dr. Winston LaRose

HTI's Black History Month 2023 Opening Ceremony Honouring Dr. Winston LaRose

On February 2nd, 2023, the Harriet Tubman Institute hosted it's Black History Month 2023 Opening Ceremony in collaboration with the Resource Centre for Public Sociology and the African Studies Program. Community members gathered to honour Dr. Winston LaRose (also known as Mr. Jane and Finch) for his relentless work with the Jane and Finch community. […]

Thank you! Merci beaucoup!

Thank you! Merci beaucoup!

Bonjour à tout le monde, Les activités du mois des Noirs 2022 organisées par l’institut Harriet Tubman ont connu un succès retentissant, accueillant plus de 750 participant-e-s pour nos onze (11) panels incluant des co-présentations en tables rondes. L’institut Harriet Tubman tient à vous remercier toutes et tous d’avoir pris le temps de venir célébrer […]

Director's message de la directrice | Black History Month 2022/Mois de l'histoire des Noirs en 2022

Director's message de la directrice | Black History Month 2022/Mois de l'histoire des Noirs en 2022

Black History Month 2022 | Director’s Message Today marks the first day of Black History Month celebrations for 2022. Black History Month is a moment when we remember our ancestors who have fought for the freedom of Black people but foremost for a just and equitable world for every human being. In honouring them and […]