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Jen Katshunga

PhD Student, Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies
Graduate Research Assistant

Jen Katshunga is a Congolese (Mukwa Luntu/Kalonji)-diasporic multidisciplinary artist, writer, researcher and cultural worker raised and based in Tkaronto, specifically Scarborough. They are a PhD student in the Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies program where their SSHRC funded research-creation project focuses on the ecologies of Congolese and Black/African trans* and queer cultural production in so-called Canada and Democratic Republic of Congo in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Keywords: Black African Trans* & Queer Feminisms/(Hi)stories; Black African/Indigenous onto-epistemologies; Black African Environmental/Ecological Justice, Philosophies & Ethics; Animality/Human-Animal/Nature Relationalities; Black African Contemporary Art & Expressive Cultures; Community Engaged Research; Arts-based Methodologies/Research-Creation; Decolonial/Anti-Colonial Knowledge Productions