Please be advised that York Security received a report of a robbery incident at the Keele campus on Sunday March 11, 2018. A community member reported being robbed by a male suspect armed with a handgun while in the basement area of the Lassonde Building. The suspect was seen running from the area northbound. No injuries were reported. Toronto Police Service were called and are actively investigating this occurrence. York Security is assisting Toronto Police in their investigation. The suspect is described as male, very tall, slim build, 180lbs. wearing a mask over his face, black jacket, black pants, and a plaid backpack.
York Security is paying special attention to these areas and is appreciative of any information that may prove useful in the apprehension of the suspect(s) involved. If you have any questions, always feel free to call us at (416) 650-8000 or ext. 58000 or drop by the 24-7 Community Safety Office. We are here to serve our community and thank you for your support and shared commitment to safety.
Security Bulletins
Security Bulletins are issued with regard to incidents that occur on York University property when:
- a serious incident has occurred and there is a risk of recurrence; and/or
- there is a pattern of recurring, but less serious incidents (such as thefts or robberies); and/or
- a Security or Police investigation will be assisted by bringing forward witnesses and information.
When an incident represents an immediate threat to the physical safety of persons at the University, there would be an immediate communication to all or to the affected parts of the University following the protocols outlined in York’s Emergency Plan and related procedures, employing the push notification on the Mobile Safety App, the LCD screens, and the emergency PA system.
URGENT INCIDENTS - KEELE & GLENDON CAMPUSES 416-736-5333, or from your office phone at extension 33333 |
Toronto Police Services, Ambulance or Toronto Fire Dept. 911Security TTY (for hearing impaired) (416) 736-5470 or ext. 55470GENERAL SECURITY INFORMATION KEELE & GLENDON CAMPUSES (416) 650-8000 or ext. 58000Crime Prevention (416) 736-5931 or ext. 55931Investigations (416) 736-5361 or ext. 55361Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion (416) 736-5682 or ext. 55682 |
Centre for Human Rights TTY (for hearing impaired) (416) 650-4823Office of the Ombudsperson ombuds@yorku.caCounselling & Disability Services (416) 736-5297 or ext. 55297Office of Student Community Relations (416) 736-5231 or ext. 55231Crime Stoppers (416) 222-8477 www.222tips.comToronto Police Services (NON-EMERGENCY #) (416) 808-2222 |