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Security Services Review


In February 2022, York University formed an internal expert panel to undertake a review of its security services and to develop an alternative security services model for the University.  

The security services review emerged in response to a long history of concerns from equity-deserving groups about security activity at York University, including feelings of racial discrimination and harassment, shared experiences of racial profiling and surveillance on campus and general lack of support.  In response, York released its Action Plan on Black inclusion: A Living Document for Action in December 2021 and identified a thorough review of York’s security services as a commitment and action.  

Following a one-year review period, York’s internal expert panel completed its review of the University’s security services and provided a number of recommendations to transition York to an alternative security services model.  

Read the report now:

What’s next

Security Services Review Town Hall on January 30

Please join us on Tuesday, January 30th at 1:00PM for an update about the implementation of the Security Services Review’s recommendations and share your comments, feedback and questions.

Click here to register and submit your questions

Project Governance

To move forward with implementation of the recommendations, York has established a suite of committees who will be jointly responsible for developing a multi-year action plan.

Sponsorship Committee – Provides high-level oversight, ensures institutional support, addresses barriers and challenges, makes key decisions and provides quarterly updates to the President Vice-Presidents (PVP) on progress in accordance with the mandate received by the President on receipt of the Security Services Report.

Implementation Committee– Manages the project, coordinates change initiatives, facilitates communication between committees, provides expertise, and reports to the Sponsorship Committee.

Advisory Group – Provides strategic advice on action planning and change implementation.

  • Comprised of York University academics, staff and students with expertise on Anti-Black racism, racial profiling, diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, social justice, and policing/security, and lived experience.

Working Sub-Committees – Focus on specific change initiatives related to key recommendations.

  • Key stakeholders to specific change initiatives, such as York University administrative units.
  • Will support identification of practical change initiatives and advise on and undertake implementation.

w the recommendations and determine the implementation plan. The task force will be supported by the executive director of community safety and an advisory committee who will be holding several consultation sessions with individuals, groups and the broader community to gather feedback and inform implementation..

Throughout the process, the review’s co-sponsors will keep the community apprised of progress and key milestones, including the composition of the working group and upcoming engagement opportunities.

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We want to hear from you

You can contact any member of the the Security Services Review team at