The Community Safety Department's Security Services is committed to keeping York University campuses safe for everyone. All of the Security Services personnel are trained to a high professional standard to ensure your safety and to deal with any incidents that may occur.

Campus Patrols
To develop a relationship with and better serve the community, Security Services personnel are on campus everyday, interacting with students, staff, faculty and visitors, out in the community. Security personnel can be seen walking around campus, in patrol vehicles and, when the weather allows, on mountain bikes.

Undergraduate Residences
Security Services’ Security Watch personnel are stationed overnight in undergraduate residences during the Fall and Winter Terms. They support residence life by providing pro-active security patrols, access control, alarm monitoring and other safety and security services within the undergraduate residences.

Emergency Services Vehicle Escort
Security Services has agreements in place with emergency responders (i.e. firefighters, police and paramedics) that when they are responding to an emergency on campus, Security Services personnel will meet them at the campus perimeter to escort them to where they need to go.

First Aid
Security Services provides 24-hour first aid response to individuals experiencing illness or injury.
First Aid Equipment:
- First Aid kits
- Automated External Defibrillators
- Oxygen
- Naloxone

Security Control Centre
The Security Control Centre is the central security dispatch, alarm and closed-circuit television (CCTV) monitoring hub for the York University campuses . Operating 24/7, the Security Control Centre receives and dispatches calls for service. The Security Control Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, including a video wall that is capable of displaying live video feeds from the hundreds of cameras.

Investigations and Threat Assessment
Security Services' Investigations and Threat Assessment personnel proactively research upcoming events to ensure the safety of community members while continuing to provide a peaceful forum for York educational objectives. They conduct non-criminal investigations and assist the police with criminal investigations. They create safety plans for at-risk individuals.
Training and Standards
Security Services is committed to delivering high-quality and professional service to the York community; therefore, they undergo ongoing training in key areas, such as:
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) (e.g. accessible customer service)
- Access to information and protection of privacy @ York U (i.e. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
- Ableism and discrimination based on disability
- Anti Racism
- Awareness of Racial Profiling on University Campuses
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR-C)
- Challenging Biases in Decision Making
- Communication techniques (e.g. crisis de-escalation)
- Community Safety practices in an EDI landscape
- Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
- Criminal Code of Canada
- Crisis De-Escalation
- Customer Service
- De-escalation through Empathy
- Emergency First Aid
- Human rights 101
- Incident Management (IMS 100)
- Indigenous Canada
- LivingWorks Suicide Prevention Training (Start)
- LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST)
- Mental Health and Awareness
- Mental Health First Aid for Adults supporting Youth
- Mindful Interactions
- Overdose Education, Prevent and Response
- Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005
- Respect, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI)/Human Rights
- Sexual Violence Response & Awareness
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Trespass to Property Act and other provincial legislation
- Workplace harassment and violence for faculty and staff
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
How to Contact Security Services
Emergencies and Urgent Situations
For life-threatening situations where people or property are at immediate risk:
- call 911 first
- then call Security at 416-736-5333, or from your office phone at extension 33333, or for TTY at 416-736-5470.
Non-Urgent Safety Matters
To report a non-urgent safety incident to Security Services:
- call 416-650-8000, or from your office phone at extension 58000, or for TTY at 416-736-5470.