This page contains useful astronomical information for observers at the Allan I. Carswell Observatory.
Observatory Properties:
Longitude = -79° 30' 7.83" W = -79.5006061 W = 280.499394 E
Latitude =43° 46' 13.81" N
Altitude = 209m
Instrument FOVs:
1m focal length 6000mm
1m STXL: 15.9x10.6 arcminutes, 0.62 arsec/pixel (2x2)
1m Spectrograph: TBA
60cm focal length 9854mm
60cm STXL: 9.669x6.45 arcminutes
60cm Quail: TBA
Telescope Times
Visibility chart usage:
Copy the coordinate set below and paste into the object visibility calculator.
Coordinate set for Object Visibility [LON(E) LAT (N) Alt (m) UT offset (h)]:
280.499394 43.770503 209 -5
*note UT offset may need to change with daylight savings, check the clock above.
Visibility Calculator:
Helpful Links
Satellite Track TLE:
Asteroid Tracking/ephemeris:
Target Tools:
- The Sky Live: ephemerides, coords, finder charts and more
- Horizons System JPL: get RA DEC for tons of objects
- Exoplanet Targets Var2Astro
- Coordinates: Platesolve
- Jupiter Moon Tool
- Jupiter Red Spot Transit Calculator
- Saturn Moons Now Tool
- Mars Surface Now Tool
- Triton Moon Tracker Tool
- Moons of Uranus Finder
- Moon Phases Tool
- Algol Minima: calculate the date/times when the eclipsing variable star Algol should be at its dimmest
Dr. Hyde's favorite handheld starchart
Make a finder chart for your object:
Select object name, use 2MASS catalog and adjust FOV to match instrument:
Precessed Coordinates Calculator:
Find the coordinates TODAY from your J2000 coordinates:
Data Reduction:
Designated Dark-Sky Sites in Canada
Learn more about the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada's designated Dark-Sky Sites