Physics and Astronomy Graduate Program Eligible to Supervise
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Research Interests
My research centres on harnessing the power of light to study structural-functional changes in humans in the aging processes and consequently develop individualized countermeasures. Biophotonics converges optical and life sciences providing new insights into the mechanisms of pathogenesis, with the aim of developing pre-diagnostic metrics and intelligent phototherapeutic approaches for minimally invasive, real-time interventions. By targeting and tuning desired light-matter interactions, it is possible to study hallmark features of debilitating diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. Through the knowledge acquired, we derive new translational biophysical techniques to deliver powerful biomedical sensor tools, and personalized intelligent radiation therapeutics as well as dosimetry. The MiBAR Lab (Mermut integrated Biophotonics Applied Research Lab) is inspired to create remotely deployable medical devices for global health applications and space life sciences research. We can achieve this with photonic methods compatible with examining human biometrics in unusual and distant environments, such as in space, thereby enabling support of human health in deep space exploratory missions to Mars and beyond.
Applied biophotonic and multimodal techniques for diagnostics and therpeutics; Remotely deployable biomedical sensors and devices.