WebsiteQuinlan Lab
ContactOffice Location Lumbers Building, 211
Phone Number (416)736-2100 x 40076 (Voicemail)
Research Focus
My area of research specialization involves examining the chitinous sub-fossil remains of midges in lake and pond sediments, to generate paleoecological assessments of past aquatic ecosystem changes. However, my research interests are broad, as I am interested in a breadth of paleoecological and ecological methods, and indicators, to examine aquatic ecosystem responses to a variety of human-induced stressors. My research interests, and the projects undertaken by my graduate students, encompass numerous types of aquatic systems, ranging from the Laurentian Great Lakes in southern Canada to remote northern shallow ponds in the Canadian Arctic.
Selected Publications
Rowell HC, Enache MD, Quinlan R, Smith AJ, Bloomfield JA, Charles DF, Effler SW. 2016. Quantitative paleolimnological inference models applied to a high-resolution biostratigraphic study of lake degradation and recovery, Onondaga Lake, New York (USA). Journal of Paleolimnology DOI: 10.1007/s10933-015-9877-8.
Medeiros AS, Friel C, Finkelstein S, Quinlan R. 2012. A high resolution multi-proxy record of pronounced 20th century environmental change at Baker Lake, Nunavut. Journal of Paleolimnology 47: 661-676.
Aquatic Ecology, Limnology, Paleoecology