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In addition to the health benefits that are listed on the Retirement Services site, retired faculty members and professional librarians are also eligible for post retirement teaching, senior scholar status, faculty library privileges as well as University affiliation for grant and/or research purposes. Please consult the current YUFA collective agreement for details.

Under the post retirement teaching provision faculty members who retire on their normal retirement date may teach a number of courses on a part time basis in accordance with the current collective agreement with YUFA. Please consult Article 14 of the current collective agreement for details and current salary rates.

Professional Librarians who retire on their normal retirement date may fulfill professional librarian responsibilities on a part time basis.  To exercise this privilege, prospective retirees must provide a nine month notice to the Dean of Libraries. Details of this provision are contained in Article 14 of the YUFA collective agreement.

Retirement Counselling

A maximum cumulative amount of $850.00 for financial counseling is available for prospective faculty and librarian retirees.

The fund is administered on a reimbursement basis. An expense claim can be submitted to CONCUR with original receipt which should include the HST registration number of the consultant/agency.

Senior Scholars – YUFA Article 14

Retired faculty and librarian must notify their Dean of their decision to elect Senior Scholar status within 6 months of retirement. In addition to the provision of office space, secretarial support and computer on availability basis, retired faculty and librarians also have access to a professional expense reimbursement fund for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in pursing professional scholarship and in accordance with the expense eligibiliy. This fund is subject to the same guidelines and procedures as continuing full-time faculty members. Details of this provision are contained in Article 14 of the  collective agreement with YUFA.