Every seven years, academic programs are required to undergo a review of their program to ensure it aligns with the YUQAP, or York University’s Quality Assurance Procedures. This process ensures that York's programs are of "quality," that is they meet the criteria set out in the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) originally approved by the Executive Heads of Ontario universities in 2010 and now managed by Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance, or "Quality Council."
The Self Study that is engaged in every seven years is the heart of the Cyclical Review process.
While this Cyclical Program Review is often understood as an administrative procedure detached from the everyday work of teaching and learning, this review is an important moment for programs to provide a snapshot to themselves, administration, and to the reviews of who they are and where they are going.
Visit our pages with templates and support to help you through your Self Study.
The Self Study allows a program to assess its strengths and weaknesses; its appropriateness in the context of current trends in the field, relevant academic plans, and shifting degree level expectations and learning outcomes; areas of potential enhancement, how improvements can be made, and the obstacles it faces in achieving its goals; issues raised by students, and; topics on which it would like external advice.
Through the Self Study a program will critically examine its courses and curricular requirements, with an eye to degree level expectations and learning objectives that operationally drive admission requirements, curriculum content, modes of delivery, bases of evaluation of student performance and commitment of resources.
The Office of the Vice Provost Academic manages and provides administrative support throughout the process. We also provide more directed support toward Section 3: Program Curriculum, Program Structure, and Learning Outcomes of the Self Study.
Interested in renewing or innovating your curriculum?
Explore our resources or contact our Program and Curriculum Development Specialist for support.