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Home » E-Mentoring Program: Partnering Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Students

E-Mentoring Program: Partnering Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Students


Inspired by Robbio’s (2018) doctoral work, this educational initiative will explore e-mentoring as a socialization strategy for 4th year collaborative nursing students who will soon transition into professional practice. Robbio’s study confirmed that workplace adjustment and socialization into the profession is difficult. This transition has been further impacted during the current pandemic, when nursing students’ academic and clinical placement supports have been limited, and staff nurse preceptors and mentors are burned out, with some leaving the profession.

The e-mentoring program will support students in navigating their final academic year and prepare them for their transition to professional nursing practice. E-mentors will be York University Graduate Nursing Students who are experienced Registered Nurses. The goal of the e-mentoring program is to help students thrive by offering a psychosocial support system, opportunities for professional networking, and academic and career support to address historical challenges while minimizing the long-term effects of the pandemic.

Project Leads

Ruth Robbio, Mavoy Bertram, Lisa Endersby, Hugh McCague and Helen Brennagh



Funding Priority

eLearning, Experiential Education, Student Success and Internationalization