These projects focused upon embedding eLearning within undergraduate or graduate degree programs using blended and fully online strategies.
There are four funding categories.
- Category I: Pan-University Projects
- Category II A: Curricular Innovation Projects
- Category II B: Curricular Innovation Grant-Innovative Course Prototyping
- Category III: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Projects
Phase 4
- The Creation of Virtual Simulation Games (VSG's) as Experiential Education for Students in Clinical Nursing Courses
- Enhancing the AMPD eLearning Ecosystem: AMPD UP ePortfolio
- Virtual Worlds: Pan-Faculty Media Curriculum
- Biskaabiiyaang: Indigenous Resurgence
- The Entrepreneurial Mindset/Skillset eLearning and Video Database Initiative (a Schulich + YSpace partnership)
- Leveraging Adaptive Learning Pathways to Improve Access and Engagement within an LMS Environment
- E-Mentoring Program: Partnering Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Students
- Establishing the First Portable VR Learning Facility in the Faculty of Science
- Pedagogical & EDI Training for Teaching Assistants in the Arts
- Advancing "Writing and Research Skills:" International Educated Nursing Students (IENs)
- XR Technology Bootcamp: Storytelling in the Metaverse
- (Re)-Creating Asynchronous, Interactive Lecture Modules for the Principles of Economics Course
Curricular Innovation Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members.
- Grants for eLearning course support redesign incorporating blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom.
- Grants for EE support the embedding of three (3) EE strategies: Classroom-focused, Community-focused, and Work-focused (work-integrated learning).
- Grants for Internationalization support the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.
A full list of grants that were awarded can be found here.
- Live 2: Investigating the Best Modalities for Synchronous Remote Experiential Education via Mobile Video Livestreaming
- Improving Student Engagement in On-Line Learning: A comparison between traditional and gamification participation assessments
- Digital Hands-on Learning: A Visual Ethnography of a Teacher Educator and His Student Teachers Learning To Create Digital Content To Teach English as a Second Language
- Using the Classroom and School Community Scale instrument to measure course communities in various online learning environments
- Enhancing learning interactions through microlearning in online language courses
2018 - 2021
Phase 3
- Navigating the Keele and Markham Campuses Through New Digitally Engaged Programs in AMPD
- Borderless BA in Educational Studies: Leveraging elearning for internationalization through the development of an online degree
- Bilingual Open Educational Resources for Civic and Social Stewardship
- Snapshots@York: Constructing an e-Learning Resource for Clear-Language Communication Skills Development
- Smartphones to accommodate students: A Skill Training Tool-Box
- New Digital Storytelling: Student Experience of Professional Socialization
- Strategizing for High Stakes Computerized Exams
- Financial Planning Education Online: Expanding York's Reach
- Teaching, Learning, and Leading Development of Mobile-Enhanced Academic Practices
Curricular Innovation Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members.
- Grants for eLearning support course redesign incorporating blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom
- Grants for EE support the embedding of three (3) EE Strategies: Classroom-focused, Community-focused, and Work-focused (work-integrated learning).
- Grants for Internationalization support the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.
A full list of grants that were awarded can be found here.
- Videographic Criticism in Cinema & Media Studies and Media Arts Pedagogy
- Developing pedagogy and experiential education for a design studio course for non-Design major students utilizing a blended learning platform
- Understanding the implementation of flipped classrooms from student and instructor perspective
The AIF awarded 25 Open Access Teaching & Learning grants (Category IV) for 2020 - 2021.
Open Access Teaching and Learning Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members to encourage the development of open access learning resources during COVID-19. The focus of the call is on non-curricular initiatives to provide engagement opportunities and support to our current, incoming, and prospective students as well as to members of the public.
A list of awarded grants can be found here.
2015 - 2018
Phase 2
- Mathematics Education Online: Increasing graduate engagement through eLearning
- French proficiency and academic success in bilingual education: linking content-based courses and french for specific academic purposes tutorial
- The Glendon Digital Media Lab (GDML)
- Virtual Learning Skills Program
- Building a culture of integrity
- Creation of Guidelines for York University Faculty & Instructors on Best Practices in eLearning under the Auspices of York's Teaching Commons (TC) using Online and Blended Natural Science (NATS) Courses as a Model
- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) for Teaching & Learning
- Business Research Foundations Modules
- Enhanced Virtual Classroom Environment - When the Classroom Goes to the...Students
- First Year Integrated Science
- Looking to the Future: Building State-of-the-Art eLearning in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD)
eLearning Curricular Innovation Grants under Phase 2 of the Academic Innovation Fund, can be found here.
2011 - 2014
Phase 1
- Adapting Technology in the Service of Enhanced Educational Engagements in Teacher Education
- Automating practice and evaluations components for large Philosophy Department
- Connecting Students to Art and Community through Strategic Goals and Innovations in eLearning
- Effective Strategies and Implementation of Blended/Online (eLearning) Formats in Large Science Courses
- Enhancing Student Interactivity in ESL Foundations Courses with Moodle
- Intercultural learning through virtual and on-site exchanges between York University students, refugee students on the Thai Burma border and displaced migrant students in Ranong, Thailand
- Project to expand greatly materials for oral and written practice in Glendon/Keele first-year French courses
- The Development of a Sustainable, Quality e-Learning Program for the Faculties of Health and LA&PS
- Trans-disciplinary Innovation in Pedagogy: Advancing Educational Reform on the World Wide Web
- Virtual Learning Commons
- Virtual Orientation to Support Services for Students with Disabilities

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