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Home » Strategizing for High Stakes Computerized Exams

Strategizing for High Stakes Computerized Exams


The pilot project will focus on enhancing student studying and test taking strategies in preparation for writing high stakes exams. This unique, multifaceted project will incorporate a variety of experiential education (EE) strategies such as simulated clinical scenarios, case studies, online testing, in-class testing, collaborative groupwork and collaborative testing. All EE strategies are intended to provide students the ability to critically appraise test questions and review, apply and expand their comprehension of program content. This project is in line with York University’s Strategic Priorities, specifically “Student Success".  This pilot project within the School of Nursing is scalable to other disciplines offering high stakes exams. The multifaceted strategies that will be used in this project can be duplicated and reproduced in other disciplines in the university that use high stakes exams.

Project Lead(s)

Sarah Evans, Sandra Skerratt  



Funding Priority
