These projects focused upon embedding Experiential Education (EE) within undergraduate or graduate degree programs using community focused or work focused EE strategies.
There are four funding categories.
- Category I: Pan-University Projects
- Category II A: Curricular Innovation Projects
- Category II B: Curricular Innovation Grant-Innovative Course Prototyping
- Category III: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Projects
Phase 4
- Student-Centric and Faculty-Sponsored Experiential Education Hub
- Embedding Sustainable Development Goals and Twenty-First Century Teaching in the Glendon Curriculum
- EE With, Not In: Respectful and Reciprocal Experiential Education with Jane and Finch Community Partners
- Building Mutually Beneficial EE Initiatives in Creative Technologies with Indigenous Partners at the New Markham Campus
- 'Growing Wuleelham / Our “Good Tracks”: Strengthening experiential and online learning for Indigenous student success in the Faculty of Education
- Using Simulation-Based Experiential Learning to Increase Students' Ability to Navigate Complex Global Challenges
- Developing PAN-Lassonde Inclusive, Immersive, Accessible, and Affordable Learning Environments for Engineering Education using Augmented/Virtual Reality, Gamification, & Educational Comics
Curricular Innovation Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members.
- Grants for eLearning support course redesign incorporating blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom
- Grants for EE support the embedding of three (3) EE Strategies: Classroom-focused, Community-focused, and Work-focused (work-integrated learning).
- Grants for Internationalization support the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.
A full list of grants that were awarded can be found here.
- Effective Strategies for Large-Team Cross-Disciplinarity, Demonstrated Through the Summer Cross-Campus Capstone Course
- Learning Theatre Practice Through Teaching: Bridging the Gap of Physical Skills Training in Post-Secondary Education
- Nursing Student and Faculty Narratives During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Making and Being- Holistic Arts Pedagogy in the Studio Arts
- Expanding "Global Learning" (GL) in Tertiary Education by Responding to Students' Learning Needs and Aspirations
2018 - 2021
Phase 3
- Experiential Education in a Mathematics Discipline via an Experimental Teaching and Learning space
- Critical Making at York and Beyond: The School of the Arts, Media Performance and Design (AMPD) Makerspace
- Building a York Capstone Network
- Environmental Education of YU Students: Windows, Art & the Conservation of Migratory Birds
- Person-Centered Serious Games for Mental Health Education and Interprofessional Care
- diVRsity (CVRriculum) program: embedding Virtual Reality as an experiential education medium to teach empathy
- Better Recruitment, Retention and Undergraduate Learning Through Mechatronics Experiential Education
- Bridging Theory and Practice in Risk and Insurance Studies
- Towards a Balanced Artistic Production Methodology/Pedagogy at AMPD through Critical Making and Sustainable Design 2020-2022
- The Planning Skills Lab
- Learning the Bruce: Community Engagement and Capstone Field Course Experience in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada
- HiP/HeT: An Online Resource for Enacting Consumer/Survivor-led Mental Health Education
- Reimagining (Space) Engineering Education
- A new realm of Experiential Education using an Augmented Reality Sandbox
- Scott Library Media Creation Lab (MCL)
- Open educational resources for simulation in higher education
- Developing Student-Faculty Partnerships for Strengthening the Teaching and Learning at York: An Experiential Education Program Proposal
Curricular Innovation Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members.
- Grants for eLearning support course redesign incorporating blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom
- Grants for EE support the embedding of three (3) EE Strategies: Classroom-focused, Community-focused, and Work-focused (work-integrated learning).
- Grants for Internationalization support the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.
A full list of grants that were awarded can be found here.
The AIF awarded 25 Open Access Teaching & Learning grants (Category IV) for 2020 - 2021.
Open Access Teaching and Learning Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members to encourage the development of open access learning resources during COVID-19. The focus of the call is on non-curricular initiatives to provide engagement opportunities and support to our current, incoming, and prospective students as well as to members of the public.
A list of awarded grants can be found here.
2015 - 2018
Phase 2
- The Next Wave of Experiential Education: An Interactive Simulation Video
- Bodies In Action: Movement and its role in social justice
- Building Experiential Education at York: The York University Entrepreneurial Internship
- Experiential Engineering Learning in an International Context
- Advancing Work-focused and Community-focused Experiential Education in the Faculty of Science
- Becoming Investment Ready - a course and program for technology entrepreneurs who want to build fund-able ventures
- Critical Making with Partners: Developing experiential education opportunities in partnership with external digital media organizations
- eLearning Platform to Support Community Focused Courses
- Enhancing Teaching & Learning through Application of Simulated Experiential Teaching Learning Initiative
- Expanded Interdisciplinary Experiential Education Opportunities
- Experiential Education Developmental Project: Graduate Student Internships and Knowledge Mobilization Capacity Building
- Glendon Work-Integrated Learning Program
- Glendon School of Field Studies
- Globally Networked Learning (GNL): using technology to internationalize our classrooms and develop intercultural competencies
- Justice Innovation and Access to Justice Program
- Our Communities in Motion: A Knowledge Mobilization Platform for Community-Based Research in Kinesiology and Health Science
- The Las Nubes Program: A Semester Abroad at York’s Eco-Campus in Costa Rica
Experiential Education Curricular Innovation Grants under Phase 2 of the Academic Innovation Fund, can be found here.
2011 - 2014
Phase 1
- Advancing EE in the Graduate International Business Management Program
- Art and Communities Network: Cross-Faculty Initiatives in Environmental Education, Arts and Community Engagement
- Business & Public Administration Internship Program
- Centering Community: Developing a “Community Centric” Action Plan for Experiential Education
- Engaging Students in Sustainability – Learning in the Living Lab
- Enhancing Academic Engagement via Experiential Education: Social Policy Ideas Lab
- Environmental Studies Internship Program (ESIP)
- Experiential Education, Osgoode
- Experiential Education in the Faculty of Health: Engaging Undergraduates, Faculty and Community
- Experiential Media Research at Work
- Geoinformation Based Disaster & Emergency Management Training Facility-Prototype Set-Up
- Language Training for Studies in French
- New Opportunities for Innovative Student Engagement, "NOISE for Social Change"
- Public History and the York Classroom: Building Links with Toronto’s Heritage Sites
- Science and Engineering Co-op
- Student Leadership Development: From the Classroom to the Community
- Student-run Sustainable Business Initiative
- The Alternative Campus Tour at York University
- The Charrette, A Model for Creative Development
- York University Business Continuity Planning Toolkit (YU-BCPT) for Canadian Small Business
- YorkU Abroad
- York U. Visual Arts + Projects

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