These projects focused upon embedding student success and student retention strategies within undergraduate degree programs.
There are four funding categories.
- Category I: Pan-University Projects
- Category II A: Curricular Innovation Projects
- Category II B: Curricular Innovation Grant-Innovative Course Prototyping
- Category III: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Projects
Phase 4
- Mentorship and Mutual Support for Graduate Students in STEM
- Project PATHS: Pedagogy that Aids Transition for Health Students
- YorkU-LMU Virtual Journal Club (Year 2)
- Expanding University 101
- Developing a Culture of Academic Honesty: Online Modules for Academic Honesty Education and Cultural Development at York
- The "SDGs-in-the-Classroom" Curricular Innovation Hub: A Pan-University Interdisciplinary Scaffolded Strategy to Incubate and Accelerate the Infusion of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals into York's Classrooms
- Equity, Diversity, Decolonization and Inclusion in Teaching and Learning Community of Practice Speakers Project
- Collective Inclusion Pathways to Access (CIPA)
- Supporting Graduate Student Dyads/Committees to Thrive: The Pan-University Graduate Supervision Support Hub
- Mapping a Path through Psychology: Connecting Curriculum to Career Readiness
- Block Delivery Pilot for Improving First-Year Success and Retention
- Inclusive Laboratory Experiences: Is Science at York Accessible?
- Partnership and Pedagogy: Inclusion by Design through a Students-as-Partners Program in the Teaching Commons
- Understanding Academic Integrity Instruction at York: A First Step to Developing Meaningful Interventions for Students
Curricular Innovation Grants were open to full-time and contract faculty members.
- Grants for eLearning course support redesign incorporating blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom.
- Grants for EE support the embedding of three (3) EE strategies: Classroom-focused, Community-focused, and Work-focused (work-integrated learning).
- Grants for Internationalization support the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.
A full list of grants that were awarded can be found here.
- Making the Design Academy Accessible
- The Audio-Visualization of Time: Strengthening One of the Pillars for Self-Regulation and Student Academic Success
- How to Effectively "Layer" a Multi-year Interdisciplinary Classroom To Facilitate Student Engagement, Co-Mentorships and Leadership Identity Development Summer Cross-Campus Capstone Experience
- Research Methods in Communication and Media Studies: Active Learning and Real Life Samples with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Developing Dissertation Support Towards Completion
2018 - 2021
Phase 3
- Student Resiliency, Learning Skills and Well-Being
- Outcomes Assessment System
- Geospatial literacies for all: Enhancing student learning and multidisciplinary teaching and research with digital maps
- The Development of Generic Skills for Student Success
- BetaSpace: Fourth Year Media Incubator Course
- YU ROC! (York University Research on Campus Network)
- Toward an Integrated International, Bilingual and Competency-Based Open Education Curriculum
- Medical History and Humanities in Transnational Context: Building a pan-faculty certificate in medical history and humanities
- Implementing Generic Skills for Student Success in the School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design
- Graduate Students and Career Success: Individualized Professional Skills Development
- A Multidisciplinary experiential-education resource to support the communication needs of students with disabilities and instructors in placement
- Using and Adaptive Online Learning Environment to Assess and Improve First-Year Math for Economics
- The Development of a Sustainable First Year Experience Program to Improve Mathematical Preparedness
- Envision YU
- POSSIBLE FUTURES: Supporting Undergraduate Students with Fourth-Year Transition Anxiety through On-Line Alumni- Mentorship Videos
- Implementing learning success strategies in a large, fully online first year course
- Investigations on the Relations Between Temperament and Academic Achievement
- Corroborating the Curriculum: A framework to help students connect graduate outcomes to the Learning activities undertaken along the way
- Student perceptions of first-year engineering tutorials
- Maximizing Prime Time: New Tools for First-Year Theatre Students
- Academic Literacy in Kinesiology: Examining Perception of Competence among KHS Students and Faculty
2015 - 2018
Phase 2
- Creation of resources and support structures for faculty members to optimize students’ First Year Experience (FYE) in the classroom
- Early Alert: Individualized Pathways to Success in First Year Biology
- First Year Transition Course Supported by Experiential Learning and eLearning: A 3 pronged approach to enhancing the First Year Experience
- York University Online Digital Badging System
2011 - 2014
Phase 1
- Enhancing the First Year Experience of Mature Students through a Voluntary First- Year Experience Course
- Fine Arts Summer Intensive
- Fostering First-Year Student Engagement, Academic Success through the HealthAid Network: Course-Based Peer Mentorship Program
- Healthy Campus (Phase I) - Mental Health Outreach, Education & Awareness
- JumpStart – Successful Transition to University
- Lions Achievement Initiative
- Math Bridging and Supplemental Instruction at Bethune
- New Student Enrolment Appointment Online (Advising)
- Residence Theme Floor Living-Learning Communities Peer Academic Support
- Science-First – A learning community for first-year students
- Stong Academic Springboard: Supplemental Instruction for Students’ Success
- Supplemental Instruction Training
- Supporting Academic Literacy Instruction within Courses
- Supporting learners, enhancing success through communities of learning
- Swim to Survive Engagement and Tracking Study
- Teaching and Learning through the Performing Arts: Fostering a Unique Cultural Student Experience
- Transitions
- Voices in Contact: Cultural Outreach In and Beyond York
- York University Incoming Student Transition Initiatives
- YU Start
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