Teaching & Learning Innovation
The Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) supports projects that advance York's priorities in terms of teaching, learning and the student experience.
Teaching & Learning Priority Areas


Experiential Education

Student Success

AIF Funding Announcement
We are pleased to announce that 21 new AIF Category I projects, 6 ongoing Category II projects, 10 Category III, and 25 Category IV projects were awarded for 2020-2021.
- Category I : Pan-University AIF projects
- Category II : Curricular Innovation projects
- Category III : Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects, and
- Category IV: Open Access Teaching and Learning projects.
Get Support
Need help getting your AIF project off the ground? We've partnered with departments University-wide that can help you with staffing, technology, communications and more.
Note: Calls for the phase of AIF funding are expected in Fall 2020.
Quick Links
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Learn more about our previously funded AIF projects that are shaping the future of teaching and learning