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Home » AIF Category II: Curricular Innovation Grants (Internationalization)

AIF Category II: Curricular Innovation Grants (Internationalization)

A total of 91 unique Curricular Innovation Grants were awarded to full-time and contract faculty members during Phase 2 of the AIF (2016 -2018) across thee priority areas:

  • Grants for eLearning supported course redesign to create blended learning, fully online learning or the flipped classroom.
  • Grants for EE supported the embedding of three (3) EE Strategies: Community Service Learning, Community Based Research and Placements.
  • Grants for Internationalization supported the embedding of international perspectives/opportunities.

High priority was given to grant requests from schools, departments or Faculties that have documented EE and/or eLearning plans which identify priorities for embedding strategies within degree programs.

The grants for Internationalization are listed below. Note that this project is cross-listed with eLearning.


International Culture Study Tour

Funding Priority: eLearning, Internationalization
Course Redesign Type: Blended/CSL
Course Code: SB/MGMT 6400 3.0
(Under)Graduate: Graduate
Course Director(s): Marcia Annisette