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Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

Creation of resources and support structures for faculty members to optimize students’ First Year Experience (FYE) in the classroom

Description Over two years, the project will create a First Year Experience toolkit, providing instructors with resources and supports to enhance their engagement and teaching effectiveness with first year students. It will also proactively and strategically develop collaborative structures that support the full integration of academic skill development into the curriculum, validating the importance of […]


Description This project is designed to support LA&PS undecided majors (who have been identified as an at-risk group) in academic and personal development through several modules offered at critical transition points during their university careers: pre- and post-orientation, program-based advising, academic skills development, preparation for transition to the workforce, and post-graduation. Project Lead(s) Marilyn Lambert-Drache […]

Supporting Academic Literacy Instruction within Courses

Description The purpose of this project is to support the planning of a Summer Institute for York instructors on the teaching of academic literacies. Our long-term goal is to enhance the curriculum in support of students' development of academic reading, writing, and information literacy skills. Special emphasis will be placed on first-year courses, including general […]

Assessing the effectiveness of an immersive and experiential 'boot-camp' based introduction for graduate students to policy-making

Description The challenges we face as a society today are complex problems that require highly interdisciplinary, scientifically-informed solutions. This requires the development of young leaders who have advanced training and an ability to apply their skills to policy-relevant issues. Yet, there are few resources available for graduate students in Canada looking to make the transition […]

Bridging Theory and Practice in Risk and Insurance Studies

Description The gap between formal education and the needs of the insurance industry, and financial services more generally, has never been more disconcerting. The recent financial crisis is often quoted as a corollary of this gap, and theoreticians are blamed. But misuse of the theory in applications is just one horseman of the apocalypse. Another […]

Globally Networked Learning (GNL): using technology to internationalize our classrooms and develop intercultural competencies

Description This program will promote and support faculty members wishing to use Globally Networked Learning in their classrooms. By establishing a GNL hub staffed by an instructional designer who works directly with faculty, the program will help them integrate GNL into their courses. The project also aims to work with relevant units to adapt York’s […]

Building Experiential Education at York: The York University Entrepreneurial Internship

Description This project is to develop entrepreneurial internships that will provide students an opportunity to become entrepreneurs and create career options for themselves and others after they graduate. Innovation York, the School of Administrative Studies (SAS) and the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) are partnering to develop this internship program based on […]

York University Business Continuity Planning Toolkit (YU-BCPT) for Canadian Small Business

Description This interactive training and capacity-building program will involve students, faculty, alumni and volunteer experts in the development of a business continuity planning tool kit to assist small businesses in implementing plans to prepare for and respond to various kinds of emergencies and business disruptions. Components include training workshops offered on-campus, on-site, and online, and […]

Geoinformation Based Disaster & Emergency Management Training Facility – Prototype Set Up

Description In order to integrate theoretical concepts with practice, we plan to bring together geoinformation expertise from the Geomatics Engineering, the disaster risk management from the Disaster and Emergency Management Program, and the practitioners’ expertise from the Emergency Preparedness Program (EPP) to benefit our students. We intend to develop a geoinformation based disaster and emergency […]

Student-run Sustainable Business Initiative

Description This initiative is intended to develop an integrated but flexible program to promote and support sustainable, collaborative student social entrepreneurship. It includes three components: curriculum – the integration of sustainable business content into existing courses and development of new credit and continuing education offerings; a support structure – business plans, finance, etc.; and pilot […]