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Project 119

Challenge Question

How can we tackle sustainability at Glendon Campus?

Partner: Office of Sustainability – YU, Regenesis, Pollution Probe

*PIP Partner Intensive Project: This project has goals and parameters that are driven by the designated project partner. It is expected that the student team will work closely with the partner and engage in regular, synchronous collaboration throughout the duration of the course.

Project Summary

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This is an action-oriented research project which seeks to identify ways to reduce scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions and develop a more equitable and circular economy on the Glendon Campus. This research project runs alongside various courses at Glendon offered by Dr. Sabine Dreher. Students can pick one of the projects from previous semesters and carry them forward or they develop new projects. The discussions revolve around: food in the cafeteria, transportation to campus, waste on campus, and gardening and what we need to change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is to establish practical ways to transition to a more sustainable and equitable circular economy inspired by the doughnut model from Kate Raworth and the UN sustainable development goals.

Project at capacity, please write to to check status.

Want to learn more? Click here!

Sustainable Development Goals

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Organizational Profile

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Key Words

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  • Glendon campus
  • Scope 3 emissions
  • Cafeteria
  • Food
  • Waste
  • Gardening
  • Transportation