Challenge Question
What does closed-loop waste management for businesses look like?
Partner: Peel Community Climate Council
Project Summary
Finding a suitable solution to poor and improper recycling is a global issue that would help us tremendously in combating climate change. Closed-loop waste management systems work to apply sustainable models to recycling and landfill diversion by eliminating future waste and downcycling. Instead of disposing of packages from everyday purchases to landfill or recycling, the bottles, containers, jars, etc. are reused in a loop system, such as The Beer Store or old-fashioned front-porch milk bottle delivery. By acting locally within the Peel Region, this project aims to explore the potential of closed-loop systems as a more sustainable option. Team members will investigate the financial, environmental, and technological implications of this model and explore the feasibility of implementing a loop-style system of waste management in Peel Region. Pending success in the Peel Region, this project has the potential to spread to other regions, and students will devise strategies to appeal to municipalities, consumers, and businesses to shift their mindsets and practices toward closed-loop waste management. Students might have an interest in sustainable solutions, urban/regional planning, climate change, local policy and business, environmental and economic impact, and local solutions to global problems. They should also become familiar with the company TerraCycle and their new “Loop” model launched in 2019.
Want to learn more? Click here!Sustainable Development Goals
Partner Video
Organizational Profile
The Community Climate Council is an organization taking climate action in Peel Region through empowering community and youth-led constructive solutions to local climate issues. The council was founded on the notion that we, the residents of Peel Region, are here to disrupt the status quo, change the systems in place, and shake up the oppressive structures that have caused the climate crisis we are in. We are here to advocate for a more sustainable, just future for all. The council is comprised of 25 members from the Region of Peel, and our community-based approach stems from our foundation to empower and support our communities to take action, with an emphasis on solutions and projects driven and developed by youth. We are a platform for climate leaders to move “beyond talk” and channel their activism into constructive, community-based projects and solutions.
Partner Website
Learn more about the kind of work the project partner does by browsing their website.
Additional Resources
Learn about the TerraCycle company and its new model, “Loop”, launched in 2019
Key Words
- Waste Management
- Recycling
- Closed-Loop Systems
- Sustainability