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Project 78

Challenge Question

How can we develop supports for people who have challenges with daily tasks of dressing?

Partner: March of Dimes

Project Summary

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The March of Dimes Canada provides programs and services to people with disabilities in order to increase their confidence and independence. One such program called DesignAbility encourages skilled volunteers to use their design and fabrication skills to develop custom solutions for people with particular needs or disabilities. A request that has surfaced often but not been adequately addressed is the pressing need for an inclusive dressing aid. Ideally, this product would assist a broad range of people with physical limitations and help them to dress independently by addressing the challenges of doing up and undoing buttons and putting on and removing clothing that needs to pass over feet. The ideal designed product(s) need to be: easy to use; low-cost and easy to assemble by volunteers; and, appropriate for a wide range of abilities. A student research team working on this product could have knowledge of disability, industrial design, anatomy, and health.

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Sustainable Development Goals

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Organizational Profile

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In 1949, in an effort to find a cure for the polio virus, mothers across Canada joined a North America-wide fundraising effort. These dedicated volunteers, known as the Marching MothersĀ®, went door-to-door collecting donations of ‘just a dime’ to donate to the Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis (sic) for research for a cure to polio. In 1951, the Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis was granted use of the name ‘Ontario March of Dimes’.  Funds raised went to support research into the cure for polio. March of Dimes Canada believes that everyone, regardless of physical or financial challenges deserves to be independent, able to work, learn and participate fully in their community. Their vision is to create a society inclusive of people with physical disabilities. Their mission is to be Canada’s leading service provider, resource and advocate, empowering people with disabilities to live and thrive in communities nationwide. 

Partner Website

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Learn more about the kind of work the project partner does by browsing their website.

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Additional Resources

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Simple Dressing Aids

Key Words

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  • Maintaining Independence
  • Seniors
  • Ability