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CIFAL York Advisory Board

The CIFAL York Advisory Board is comprised of representatives from York University, CIFAL York, York Region, Province of Ontario, Government of Canada and senior executives from a number of not-for-profit and community-based organizations and private sector who are active in CIFAL York’s focusing areas. York University is represented by the President, VPRI (Vice-President Research and Innovation), CIFAL York Director and Associate Director, and chairs of the Technical Advisory Committees.

Advisory Board Members

Rhonda Lenton (Chair)

President, York University

Amir Asif (Co-Chair)

Vice President, Research and Innovation, York University

Alexander A. Mejia

Director, Division for People and Social Inclusion & Head, CIFAL Global Network, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR

Wayne Emmerson

Chairman & CEO, York Region

James MacSween

Chief, York Region Police

Megan Meaney

Executive Director, ICLEI Canada

Bob Rae

Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations in New York, Government of Canada

Maleknaz Nayebi (ex officio)

Associate Director, CIFAL York , York University

Ali Asgary (ex officio)

Director, CIFAL York , York University

Member Roles and Responsibilities

Chair & Co-Chair(s)

  • Evaluate existing Advisory Board structure for effectiveness and best practice.
  • Facilitate Advisory Board planning and Meetings.
  • Contribute to Advisory Board outcomes through value-driven insights and advice.
  • Act as the contact point to the Board.

Board Members

  • Share strategic advice and knowledge during discussions on the centre's plan.
  • Monitor the development of partnerships and collaborations by CIFAL York's Executive and Technical Advisory Committees
  • Provide advice and feedback to CIFAL York Executive and Technical Advisory Committees regarding the delivery of the training program plan.