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Property Management

Waste Diversion at York University

WASTE 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 Recycled (includes food & organic waste)                 2,648.82 mt                 2,405.97 mt                    1,485.74 mt 732.28 mt Diverted Waste (Oasis Textile Bins, etc.)                    948.89 mt                    716.74 mt                    683.78 mt 150.00 mt Landfill                  1,488.53 mt                 1,472.01 mt                649.33 mt 1,326.56 mt TOTAL WASTE (ALL STREAMS)                 […]

Waste Management

In 1990 York University’s Facilities Services department formalized a comprehensive, multi-faceted waste management and diversion program. Part of this was the ZeroWaste program to build on existing waste diversion and green cleaning initiatives. By 2019 the university had diverted 70.73% of the waste generated on its campuses. York University’s Facilities Service Department, Waste Management unit […]

Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management Strategy We aim to prevent and reduce the occurrence of pests through cultural techniques, such as maintaining good building cleanliness and encouraging individuals to dispose of food waste in outdoor compost digesters or kitchenette organic waste bins. Once a concern has been reported, insect populations are monitored through traps and treatment is […]


This department is responsible for maintaining York University’s Keele campus, located in the Black Creek watershed, and the historic Glendon campus. The site is comprised of 185 hectares of land, including 245 gardens (annuals/perennials/shrubs), approximately 28 kilometers of walking paths, and approximately 13 kilometers of roadway. The public has free access to the green spaces […]

Snow Removal

We’re always up when the snow comes down! Facilities Services monitors the weather conditions closely and continuously. Snow clearing on campus roads, pathways, and parking lots is an ongoing activity. The timing of the snowfall and the amount of snow that falls combined with high winds, can cause snow to drift and severely impact conditions. […]

Glendon Facilities Services

Our team is responsible for liaising with the Keele Campus, establishing operating budgets for all maintenance, utility and grounds and custodial activities, including the monitoring of service contracts.Employees perform minor renovations, attend to plumbing, HVAC and other routine maintenance activities. This department is also responsible for grounds maintenance, including the maintenance of Campus lawns, trees […]


Maintenance Services is responsible for the maintenance of campus buildings including heating, cooling, electricity, water, elevators, keys and locks, roofs, windows, floors and doors, minor furniture repair, plumbing, lighting, ceiling tiles, carpets, painting, and carpentry. Zone Model The Keele Campus operates on a zone model and is divided up into quadrants. Each zone has a […]

Grounds, Fleet & Waste

The Grounds, Fleet and Waste Management department is responsible for grounds maintenance, road and side walk maintenance, snow removal, fleet management, pest management, waste management including recycling, composting and waste reduction initiatives, and other community services such as furniture moves. The public has free access to the green spaces that are manicured and managed by […]